31. Snowflakes

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Lovebomb/ Bronn out now!

"My scouts found them a mile south of the Wall. Said they were on their way here."

"You're The Hound. I saw you once at Winterfell." Jon realized. Sandor pulled a blanket tight around himself as he sat up.

"They want to go beyond the Wall too." Tormund added.

"We don't want to go beyond the Wall, we have to. Our lord told us the great war is coming." Beric corrected.

"Sandor?" Rina questioned. 

"Hey kitten." Sandor whispered. 

"Sandor!" Rina declared moving to the bars. "You are okay!" 

"So are you." Sandor looked to the boy clinging to her leg and he met her gaze again. "A little banshee?" he mused. 

"Not that I know of." Rina countered. 

"Don't trust them. Don't trust any of them." Gendry hissed. "They're the Brotherhood. And the last thing their Lord told them to do was sell Rina and me to a Red Witch to be murdered." Rina's eyes shifted to Beric and THoros. 

"You fuckers. Sandor what are you doing with them?" Rina demanded. 

"Being an idiot." Sandor offered. "They sold you?" 

"You did what to my Rina?" Jon demanded. 

"Thoros?" Jorah questioned. "I hardly recognized you."

"Ser Jorah Mormont --" Thoros realized. "They won't give me anything to drink down here. I haven't been feeling like myself."

"You're a fucking Mormont? Like the last Lord Commander?" Tormund barked turning sharply to Jorah.

"He was my father." Jorah agreed.

"He hunted us like animals." Tormund bite back.

"You returned the favor, as I recall." Jorah countered calmly.

"Here we all are at the edge of the world at the same moment heading in the same direction for the same reason." beric offered.

"Our reasons aren't your reasons." Davos corrected.

"Lets throw them to the wild." Rina decided. "Throw them off the wall or oh sandor I can show you what I learned on Beric. He is the leader after all." Rina hissed. 

"It doesn't matter what we think our reasons are." Beric stood up in the cell. "There's a greater purpose at work and we serve it together whether we know it or not. We may take the steps but the Lord of Light --"

"For fuck's sake, will you shut your hole. Are we coming with you or not?" Sandor barked.

"Don't you want to know what we're doing?" Jorah questioned.

"Is it worse than sitting in a freezing cell waiting to die?" Thoros countered.

"Let them freeze, let Sandor out." Rina decided. "Final decision, raise your hand if you agree." Her and Gendry rose their hands, Ezra copied them. "Great, majority rule. Sorry not sorry Beric." 

"He's right. We're all on the same side." Jon agreed reluctantly.

"What?" Rina demanded. 

" How can we be?" Gendry countered.

"We're all breathing." Jon remarked as he unlocked the door.  Sandor moved to Rina hugging her. 

"Hey, I missed you." Sandor whispered. "I was worried about you. Your sister is a little bitch." 

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