38. No Surrender

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"I wish you wouldnt." Gendry admitted. 

"I know." Rina answered softly. "But I see the end and I see it with enough time that I can try and change it... I can save them, I can try and save them all." 

"What if you can't? What if the future is set and I lose you?" Gendry countered. 

"Have faith that I'm coming back." Rina begged. 

"This is how you felt when I went north of the wall." Gendry realized. "But worse because I can't breathe Rina." 

"Take care of Ezra, take care of my siblings, I will handle the dragon queen. THen we start our lives together, somewhere-' she chuckled. "We start our new lives in storms end, where we dont have to be quiet." Rina suggested. 

"I like the sound of that." Gendry admitted. "But-"

"No buts, if I dont go, we dont get our happily ever after Gendry." Rina corrected. "I know its hard and it sucks but... I have to go." 

"No buts." Gendry whispered. 

"I have to go. I love you I love Ezra, I will be back. I promise."


'Do you believe we are here for a reason?' Daenerys asked 'I am here to free the world from tyrants that is my destiny and I will serve it no matter what the cost.' she informed him

'It could be a fortnight for Jon and his army make it to Kings Landing... offer Cersei her life in order for her surrender, if there is a chance to avoid slaughter we should take it.' Tyrion told her.

'Speaking to your sister will not stop the slaughter but perhaps it is good that the people see that Daenerys stormborn has offered every chance at peace and that Cersei Lannister denied them that. They should know who to blame when the sky falls down upon them.' She looked to rina. 'Rina, I want you there.'

'Daenerys,' jon warned.

'she has the voice of a siren.' Dani told him. 'if something takes a turn, I want her there.'

'of course.' Rina said nodding. 'your grace,' she added after a pause. Daenerys smiled back at her.

Cersei stood tall and strong missandei stood her prisoner. The unsullied prepared themselves ready to defend their queen.

'Be careful tyrion.' Rina whispered, the door swing open and a man walked out tyrion walked to meet him. Both hands of both queens coming together to discuss

'My lord-'

'Queen Daenerys request immediate and unconditional surrender and the release of missandei.' Tyrion told him.

'Queen cersei requests unconditional surrender or she will send down missandeis head.'

'You are a rational man. We have a chance here perhaps our last chance to avoid carnage. Help me. I don't want to see the city burn' Tyrion told him 'I don't want to hear the screams of children burning alive'

'No it is not a pleasant sound' he agreed

'I don't want to hear it. helped me save the city.' tyrion begged

'I'm only a mouthpiece for our queen' Qyburn reminded tyrion.

'Your queen' Tyrion corrected

'Cersei is queen of the seven kingdoms.' Qyburn reminded tyrion.

'Her reign is over.' tyrion told him 'you understand this, help her understand it!'

'We understand nothing of the sort your Queens last Dragon is vulnerable, your army is depleted while ours has been reinforced by the golden company .' Qybunr corrected, tyrion walked past him heading for Kings Landing heading for the castle he looked up as the armies on top prepared themselves to take down the little Lannister. Cersei rose a hand ready to have her arrows, her archers shoot down her brother.

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