12. Flying High

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Take You Back/ Gwayne Hightower / Davina Targaryen out now!!
Rina was flying. It wasnt like before though. Not through the moon door but like she was a bird maybe. She looked to the side and saw wings. Raven. She was flying through the sky.

'What's happening to her?' gendry asked as rina went stiff and collapsed into his arms

'Shit' arya muttered.

'What's happening to her?' Gendry demanded.

It was so peaceful. Flying, soaring, nothing but the clouds beneath her... she breathed it in. freedom. To be a bird in the sky. To be as free as a bird... Bran?

'Bran' she called out but her voice was a squawk of a bird but bran looked up. She landed on a rock near him. 'Bran' she called out. He was scared. Rickon was with him. They were on the run just like arya and her.  Hodor was carrying bran. Rina looked at his useless legs. What the hell happened after they left winterfell?

'Should we call a madster?" Gendry asked, she looked to fragile and weak, her eyes glossed over.

'No she does this... It will pass just keep quiet.' Arya told him moving to block the view of her sister from on lookers. 'She is vulnerable now she cant defend herself. '

'What's happening? Does she have the sight?' Gendry whispered

'The sight?' Arya countered confused.

''She can see past whats really there? She can put herself into different things... i dont really understand it but i heard stories about people with the sight.' Gendry told her still clutching onto Rina's lifeless body.

''No i dont think so. She usually sees...' arya didn't know if she should tell gendry, he was their friend but what rina saw... it wasn't normal.

''what does she see? You can trust me arya.' He told her and she nodded lowering her voice.

''she usally sees death and darkness.' People would think her sister a witch if they knew what she saw, what she knew before it happened.

These past few weeks after making their escape from kings landing Rina had told arya about her visions. Told her that she predicted her fathers death. Saw him lose his head over and over again. Heard sansa's screams over a week before it happened.

'Banshee.' Gendry said quietly. 'That why she was asking about banshees. She thinks shes one?''

''No banshees are a myth my sister isnt some wailing monster she is just special different she sees whats not there past the reality and into the darkness.' Arya told him. Banshee or not her sister was her sister, her family and she loved her. she would protect her. 

'Wait...' bran said reaching out to the raven. 'Rina?' How did he know. 'Rina!' His eyes flipped back and his eyes glossed over 'rina' he called out but her eyes popped open and she shot up

'Whoes gonna die rina?' arya asked quietly.

'What?' She was in gendrys lap he was stroking her hair

''You scared me but ari said you were fine. You didnt look find though rina.' Gendry told her, still cradling her to him.

'Im fine. It happens. ' rina said shortly taking in her surroundings, she was trapped. In a cage with a few dozen people waiting for death. No longer flying high. No longer a bird. Trapped once more. But she was always trapped. She was never a bird, she never saw Bran, she was just dreaming. She had to be.

'What does ari mean whoes gonna die?' gendry asked Rina sat up but stayed in gendrys arms he rested his chin on her shoulder

'I didnt see death. I saw bran.'' Rina corrected.

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