28. Death In Pieces

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Rina peeled her index finger from her bottle and pointed it toward the man smirking at her. 

"You were poorly mistaken and deeply boring." Rina corrected. "This isnt a brothel its a bakery, buy something or fuck off." 

"I want you." 

"You think you do but you dont." Rina assured. She didnt even have to scream anymore, a sharp breath and enough anger as she used her hands to force the power from her, her body knew what it wanted to do, she sent the man flying back without ever laying a hand on him. 

"Bam!" Ezra declared. His hand flew out she wondered if he would be like her, he certainly had his daddys good looks. 

"Bam." Rina repeated turning back to the stone oven checking on the bread. 

"A pretty little thing like you," her boss, Mae remarked with a chuckle. "I wondered how you survived this long without carrying a blade." 

"My voice has always been my best weapon." 

"I believe you now."  Mae assured. 

"What you saw-" Rina countered. 

"I didnt see anything." She assured.  'But I can see you Rina Waters... I dont know what I see, an old bat like me. No would believe me if I started rambling anyways, no need to turn that voice on me." 

"I would never." Rina assured. 

"Why dont you take that sweet boy to the waters, its a lovely day, breads baking, come back in an hour." 

"You sure?" Rina countered. 

"Get on girl, anyone that comes asking questioned will be looking for you now. They won't care in an hour." Mae added. 

"You are sweet mae, thanks." Rina agreed. "You want to play in the waters, Ezra?" 

"Swim!" Ezra agreed. 

"Hows that husband of yours in the water?" Mae pondered. 

"He's getting better." Rina remarked packing up Ezra's stuff. 

"Dump him in the deep end and he's going to make it?" Mae mused. 

"He's got me to keep him up. He has other skills. If we ever get north, he wont need to worry about water as much for swimming." Rina offered. 

"What's north?" Mae questioned. 

"Snow." Rina offered. 

"You got family up there?" 

"My family is right here." Rina corrected. "Just think Ezra will like the snow." 

"It's pretty up there, or it used to be... I heard the starks got back winterfell." 

"You did? They did?" Rina questioned. 

"Lannisters are going to be setting out to take them down no doubt." 

"They are so far north, why bother them." Rina countered cautiously. 

"I say let the Starks be, they have suffered enough but you didnt hear that from me, dont need to lose my head." Mae offered with a wink. 

"I hear ya." Rina agreed. "Come on Ezra, lets go play." 

Rina sat on the shores her feet getting wet with the tide as visions flashed before her eyes, she knew that someone was coming, to the capital, coming for them. She worried at the fragments she saw. She wanted to see the whole picture for once. 

"Something is coming." Rina remarked over supper. Gendry blinked back at her. They knew this day would come, but they also didnt know when, Rina's visions had been far away but she felt certain it was coming soon.  

"You think so?" Gendry questioned. 

"I feel it." Rina agreed. 

"You see something?" 


"A good something?" Gendry questioned. 

"Up for debate. I only see pieces... life in pieces." Rina whispered. "Death in pieces." 

"I want you tonight just in case either way so I remember what you feel like... In case this is last time i get the chance.' He pulled her on top of him lifting her up and placing her down on her bed. Putting his lips on her. 

"We arent dying." Rina assured. "I won't allow it." Rina countered. "But kiss me until I forget the visions spinning around my head." She agreed. 

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now