23. Surviving to Tomorrow

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"And do you know how Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros?"

"On the back of his dragon, Balerion the Dread." davos answered.

"He had a smaller fleet than the kings he faced and a smaller army, but he had three dragons. Dragons are magic, Ser Davos. My enemies have made my kingdom bleed. I will not forget that. I will not forgive that. I will punish them with any arms at my disposal." Stannis remarked.

"You do not need to burn the boy. If what you say is true, a drop of his blood killed Robb Stark-" Davos countered.

"And our king is still no closer to the Iron Throne. A great gift requires a great sacrifice." Melisandre reminded them all as she touched Stannis shoulder.

" His name is Gendry. He's a good lad. A poor lad from Flea Bottom who happens to be your nephew." Davos remarked trying to get Stannis to see reason.

"What is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?" Stannis corrected.


"The boy must die."

"What of Katrina Stark?"

"She hasnt told me my fate yet." Stannis corrected. "Are you sure she can?"

"I see it in the fire." Melisandre agreed. "Then we kill her too." Davos sucked in a tight breath. House Stark was not one anyone used to want to make an enemy out of. Davos felt bad for the kids.

" What do you think our lives would be like if we get out of here?" Rina questioned. Gendry smiled softly despite their situation, the thought of being anywhere, but here with the woman, he loved, brought a smile to his face.

" we could go north. To your home. Winterfell." Gendry offered.

" winterfell is overrun by Bolton monsters." Rina remarked. " I don't think the north is very safe right now... but I would love to show you my home. It might be a little cold for you though. You are a southern boy. Should I start calling you, my Prince?" She pondered. " want me on my knees?"

" yes." he breathed back. "But no. But yes to the second." Rina laughed kissing him. Her laugh echoed through the cells.

"What would we do?" Gendry pondered.

"The very first thing." Rina agreed. Gendry turned her in his arms.

"I would- once we got some semblance of safety-" he corrected. "I would marry you." Rina blinked back at him.

"You would..."

"Yes. And then I would kiss you like this-" he pulled her closer and she melted into him.

"Marry me. If we survive past today. Rina Stark marry me tomorrow." Gendry requested.

"Yes yes yes." Rina breathed back against him. They were filled with love for a moment before they remembered that they were trapped. Rina turned back around and settled in Gendrys arms.

They were not both going to make it to tomorrow. They had gotten gendrys blood they had no need for an heir of robert baratheon. He was a threat to stannis reign. Rina, whatever they wanted from her would most likely end in torture. The red woman saw a fire in her that rina didn't understand.

Rina tipped her head into gendry.

"To tomorrow. To all our tomorrows." Rina whispered.

"I would marry you right now. I could die happy." Gendry rasped.

"I dont want to die. I want to live. Live with you. With our future children. With our future home. Our future. I dont see our death. I want to see our future Gendry." Rina whimpered as they heard footsteps approaching. This was the end.

"Hello kids. Move away from the door please." Davos instructed and they got up moving away as instructed. Gendry held to rinas hand.

"What are you doing?" Gendry questioned as Davos unlocked the cell door.

"You're leaving." Davos answered.

'Is this some kind of trick?" Gendry countered.

"Yes, but not on you two." Davos threw Gendry a cloak. He held out another for rina and she took it.

"Why are you doing this?" Rina whispered but he hushed her as he led them out of the cells.  Davos walked him to a rowboat. Davos tossed a bag into the boat and pushed it into the water.

"Why help us?" Rina questioned.

"You two were unlucky. From one unlucky man that couldnt save his son... trying help two kids find a happily ever after." Davos offered.

"Thank you." Rina whispered.

"Aim for that star. Don't stop. There's bread and water. Go slow with it. If you finish it off, no matter how thirsty you get, don't drink seawater." Davos instructed. They walked into the water.

"I know not to drink seawater." Gendry assured.

"Row for a full day and night and you'll reach Rook's Rest. You'll want to stop there. Don't. She'll find you." Davos warned.

"Where should we go?" Gendry questioned.

"You must keep the coast on your left side until you reach King's Landing." Davos instructed.

"The gold cloaks are looking for me." Gendry admitted.

"They were looking for me for twenty years. Do they know your face?"

" No." Gendry admitted. Gendry looked to rina. "You lived in the capital for a short while."

"I was at the capital but I doubt anyone alive left remembers me." Rina remarked.

"I'd worry more about the Red Woman." Davos remarked gendrynoffered rina a hand in. She sat down and as Gendry got in sitting down opposite her.

"The other way." Rina coed. Gendry turned around in the boat and sits at the oarlocks beside Rina.

"You ever been in a boat before?" Davos pondered.

"No." Gendry admitted.

"I will help you," rina assured.

"You know how to swim?" Davos questioned.

"No." Gendry repeated. Davos chuckled.

"I love you. I wont let you drown." Rina assured.

"Don't fall out. Go on." Davos suggested and pushed the boat from the shore.

"Why are you doing this?" Gendry questioned.

"Because it's right. And because I'm a slow learner." Davos offered as Gendry started to row. "When you get to Flea Bottom, have a bowl of brown for me."

"Thank you Davos." Rina said. "You have no idea what surviving to tomorrow means."

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