Prologue: An pitiful end

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First I want to say that this work won't slow down the writing of my one shot/short story book, so don't worry.

3rd Pov

Location : France...

In a small apartment, where there was merely enough to live a normal society slave's life...a lone man could be seen working on his computer.
The light was off, the only source of light was the screen of his laptop...multiple bowls of instant noodles on the side, the room was messy.
This lone was what you call an Author, went through multiple « jobs » on different social media, he had continued to pursue his dream of one day making his own novel.
But ultimately failed...that pain led him into depression yet he continued to hold on to this dream...until working late at night...barely getting any sleep.

His name or rather id name is Elite.

Elite Pov

Well...I think that is a failure again...

I chuckled as I let myself fall back into my chair, just now I had received another refusal...sending chapter after chapter to some editor, none of them accepted.

How many was it again...oh right, i stopped counting after the 25th...

What a pathetic guy I am...destined for so many great things yet I failed miserably...

Now that i think i did really waste my life...born in a good family despite having a shitty father and a not really present mother.

They still gave me everything I needed, I wasn't one to go buy new things everyday so it made their job easier I guess...

During my studies, I was for a long time called a model student, never missing a single class until was quite funny that adolescent crisis...

Well anyway, I then decided to stop college after only one year and dedicate myself to this own novel.

And this is where it led me, a failure...

Elite : Maybe I should just abandon...I think my parents still own that restaurant...working there wouldn't be that bad...

I muttered weakly before laying myself over my desk, my face pushing some of my laptop keyboard touch.

I didn't care...I just closed my eyes and rethinking about my life choice...

Maybe...i should just die, no one would remember me anyway...those thoughts, ahh it reminds me back then when i didn't have any purpose but to live for my mother...

I smiled before fully closing my eyes and fell asleep...i'm tired...

3rd Pov

That night, the individual Elite was found dead...from overwork and depression...

It was the end of his adventure in this world and the start in another.

The cry of a baby could be heard, he was in his mother's arm while being slowly berced around.

The mother being a young lady with brown hair and gray eyes...she smiled softly while admiring her baby.

As for the baby, he slowly opened his eyes...the same color as his mother...

Elite Pov

What is this...why is everything dark and cold...i was in my room, why am i now ?

In a dream ? I don't know...

???: Waaa-waaa-waaa !

Huh ? That cry...a baby ? What is happening ? Am I in the hospital ?

Why can't I move ? Or just feel my body ? Heh, that reminds me of a certain scene of Tensura, it was at the very start, I think...when Rimuru woke up in that cave...

Why am I even thinking about that ? I should be panicking about my situation...well I guess I was never one to panic...

I long ago lost the strength to do so...

???: How cute, I think that name will fit you well, Dawn Arceid.

Dawn, huh...that reminds me of my day on Discord with everyone, how nostalgic but wait, why do I feel the name was destined to me.

And why do I suddenly feel warm ?

Finally, my eyes started to open and vision came back...i looked around and saw...a giant ? No it's just a woman who seemed to carry me ?

Wait, i am quite tall so how is someone carrying me...i looked down and finally noticed that the cry subdued...

And my hand, why are they so small ! voice, it doesn't come out...

D-di i just get reincarnated !!! EHHHH !

3rd Pov

Months passed since then, as Elite now known as Dawn started his new was awkward but his body seemed to have naturally regressed to a baby state.

With crying or the need of food, still his adult mind makes the experience really weird.

He now understood the pain of those isekai protagonists who reincarnated as a child.

Dawn : (Welp, it could had been worse still i wonder where did i get isekaied into?)

Multiple questions rushed into his mind, the one like is he in an anime or manga ? Or a whole new world...

If he is in an anime which ? People might believe that it's cool to reincarnate there but in reality most of those anime are dangerous to the extreme.

With monsters, demon or just noble, everything turns grim once you're appears happy going just because the reader and watcher follow the main character point of view.

Dawn : (There is the possibility of me reincarnating in my own novel or inside one of my fanfiction...ahh this is getting out of control.)

But surprisingly, he didn't feel mentally might be due to his ability or at least he hoped so.

Since he was reincarnated, he must have some kind of gift...or is it a revenge manga where he would have to suffer before getting his power ?

Dawn : (Ahh, I hope I don't...)

He sighed while crawling around his room...from what he could deduce he was born in a wealthy family, he had yet to see his father but this was fine with him.

Dawn : (I have a bad feeling when it comes to fathers in general.)

Though, he could guess a little information from his father as he probably had his hair color from him...jet black, this also made Dawn wonder how he already had hair despite being that young, as far as he remembers he already had them when he first had his consciousness.

Dawn : (I'll just leave this question aside...)

After going around for a while searching for a book or just a journal with the news, Dawn found nothing and just layed back on one of the pouch toys his mother had brought.

Dawn : (Let's see, my last name is Arceid...not a name I'm familiar the possibility of an entire new world is dominant but at the same time, anime and manga were closed stories...where us readers can't see anything beside what the author decides to show us...)

He pondered while moving cutely around, like a high school girl dreaming holding her pillow...a few maids saw that and giggled.

Dawn : (Anyway, i still have to see if this is a magical world...ahh, i just go to sleep for now!)

Tired of thinking, Dawn just closed his eyes and decided to rest for the rest of the day and act when he could at least properly walk.

But then suddenly, he heard something that would answer most of his questions.

???: My lady ! The news had broken down, the destroyer Milim Nava had become a demon lord and had formed with lord of darkness Guy Crimson and Fairy of labyrinth Ramiris, a group called the demon lord !

Dawn's eyes widened along the rest of the people present, they all broke down in chaos while the baby was left thinking in shock.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now