Chapter 29: Sorrow and Guilt

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3rd Pov

Slowly opening his eyes, Dawn looked seemed he had collapsed from exhaustion.

Dawn : Where am I ? Wasn't I fighting...Velzard !

Remembering what happened before he passed out, he panicked a little and looked around.

A room made of ice, even the bed he was sleeping on...but what truly stood out was the white haired woman sat on a chair beside the bed.

Velzard : Ara, it seems you know about my identity.

Dawn : (Shit...I spoke my thoughts out loud...)

Paling whiter than a ghost, this was a lost weapon, directly inside a true dragon's home, defenseless and his magicule haven't recovered yet...

Dawn : (I'm dead, haha...)

Velzard : Don't worry, I won't kill you or at least not yet.

Dawn : Haha...not yet...

Velzard : Depending on your answer to my question, I'll judge your faith later.

Placing her hand on her lap, the sweet and innocent smile was contradicting her was a terrifying sight and Dawn could only accept his fate.

Velzard : Glad you understand, anyway your ice magic is really similar to mine, mind explaining how ?

This was the main intrigue for Velzard, she was a true dragon with natural affiliation with the ice element...

So her magic was that as well...when she unleashes her power it's like a natural disaster, something only nature could match.

Yet a human had a similar nature...

Dawn : Honestly, I don't know myself...

Velzard : I don't really like this answer.

Dawn : Ugh...(But our magic nature is similar?)

He felt a chill down his spine when Velzard started glaring at him, she had limited patience after all so Dawn quickly gathered every brain cell possible and started thinking.

Dawn : Mmh...m-maybe, if i can use my analytical ability on Miss Velzard, i could find out...

Velzard : I see, then fine I will allow it since I'm very curious.

Getting authorization, Dawn sighed in relief...there was a reason he didn't use Reader on Velzard all along.

First, she was way too out of reach and existence for Reader to work...but the reason Dawn didn't even try is because Velzard would have noticed it.

She wasn't like Ramiris, Velzard is much more cunning and with her dragon eyes...she could easily see through his trick.

And her reaction would be much worse...

Dawn : (Still...would it even work?)

This was his only solution, so after taking a deep breath his eyes started to glow silver as Reader was activated.

Surprisingly, he could see the information of Velzard.

Dawn : (It seems since she agreed, my skill worked...but then why didn't it work on Ramiris ? Reader has also more to it, maybe hidden condition?)

He wanted to try more things but time was running low so he sealed those thought for later and started looking through Velzard's information.

After 3 minutes, he finally found the answer to her question...sweat started pouring from his forehead.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now