Chapter 13: Superiority

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3rd Pov

Weeks passed, Dawn had apologized and his and Luna's relationship somehow went back to normal.

Not much happened as they just attended their theoretical and practical class though Dawn had a harder time dealing with others stare from fear, to jealousy or other due to the rumors.

He already expected it since in nobility, jealousy is a base stone...some even tried to pick a fight with him.

But since he already got a warning, Dawn decided to lay low and just ignore them...fortunately since Luna is constantly with him.

If those noble try to come with hands or magic, Luna's presence alone dissuaded them as she was still the school's genius.

Now to class once again, Dawn was dozing off staring at the knight training field through the window.

Dawn : (I analyzed the kingdom's basic swordsmanship and it's mediocre at best...but I wonder if I can actually reproduce them without having ever tried them...)

The limits of his skill : Reader was still unknown, every day that passed made him discover new thing about it.

Teacher : Not listening to class, sir Arceid ? It doesn't make a good example for us noble people.

Dawn : ...

Dawn could hear a few people snickering and mocking him...thinking about what he should do, Dawn came to a conclusion.

Dawn : (Some light taunts shouldn't hurt.)

His eyes fell on the book they were studying, it was a large manual with over 300 pages about the basics of magic, history and much more magic related.

Dawn didn't bother to read a single page of it until now as most of this was complete bullshit formed on theory which wasn't even confirmed via experiment.

His eyes glowing an instant, all the information present inside the book were immediately transferred and stocked in his mind.

It hurt a little his mental strength but nothing he couldn't take...smirking, Dawn got up.

Dawn : Then teacher, how about we make a small bet.

Ria Pov

I stared emotionlessly at our teacher who was on his knee...his pride totally ripped off as Dawn left the room.

Just now, he had challenged a teacher of this estimated academy...where each teacher has dozens of years of experience in theory.

Yet, just now he had destroyed one of them, answering each one of his questions and then ending him at the first mistake he made.

He was merciless...and now leaving as their bet stipulated, he would be allowed to leave early in case of victory.

Ria : He is a monster...

Just now he didn't just state a known fact, rather he used the teacher's knowledge and destroyed him by giving a more logical and possible reasoning.

Leaving no room for debate...

Leo : What a savage, why did he even come to study here ? I feel like he already completed our whole school program.

Ria : He sure isn't normal.

My eyes trailed on miss Luna who got up and left following Dawn...they sure are close or rather, i feel like miss Luna just follows him.

As if those class lessons were meaningless, now that I think...wouldn't it be better to learn from Dawn who seems more knowledgeable than our teacher ?

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now