Chapter 17: Prelude to disaster

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3rd Pov

Staring at the night sky, Dawn had gone back with the thief after his encounter with Luminous.

He was honestly not feeling well so instead of visiting with Laos and Raska, he went to their inn and rested.

Night has fallen and it seems his two colleagues went to a sort of party held in the Inn.

Dawn used this alone moment to collect his thoughts...

Dawn : How come I met Luminous this early...

It was a known fact that the vampire queen often took stroll in the human city to entertain herself...

But to think he would stumble on her...more than that she is interested in him.

Dawn : Ahh, now that i think she was really beautiful...seeing her here and in the anime is really uncomparable.

Still, he couldn't shake off the feeling of intimidation he was terrifying and it will follow him as long as he will this week.

Dawn : And i got one shot, huh...worse if it wasn't for Snowie's help i would have died...

Snowie was also awfully quiet, this was her first failure with her sure hit hard and was a good way to question themself.

Dawn : I was given such powerful skills but in the end...they aren't suited for battle.

Sola once said, her power was more on the administrative side...and that Dawn was better on that field.

But it isn't quite right, certainly Reader is useful but it's more of an administrative skill.

Right now besides elemental magic, spiritual art and swordsmanship.

Fighting is hard and against an overwhelmingly stronger opponent all this becomes meaningless.

Dawn : I need to awaken a new skill...something that will compensate for my lack in raw power.

Unfortunately he had no lead...the voice of the world was far too complex for him to understand it.

He couldn't be like Rimuru, creating and forming skills like that...after all he wasn't the main character of this novel.

Dawn : Perhaps, this is the key...

His hand pressing on his chest, he felt his heartbeat...where his soul should be and where everything about him was.

There was still one skill he had...the one he was given by his mother and the heritage of multiple generations.

The unique skill : Heroism.

Dawn : I need to find how to use it...

Closing his eyes, he tried to activate it but once again no reaction at all...

Dawn : Nothing, huh...

Snowie : (Master, the skill seems to be sealed within multiple barriers.)

Dawn : Is that so ? (Could it be sealed by the founder ? He is a rather mysterious figure honestly...)

A sealed skill...he had never seen that, this was something new and the only guess he could make was that he had to break those barriers to use the skill.

Stretching his hand, he wandered around his possibility when suddenly the door opened as his teacher and fellow students came.

Raska : Oh Dawn ! Come here and drink toooo-ahh...

Falling down with a bottle of alcohol, Raska fell asleep just like that...behind her was Laos who was in a similar state crawling on the ground.

Laos : Alcohol...ahh !

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now