Chapter 22: New resolution, new era

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3rd Pov

After the revolution ended...the kingdom of Muth officially became the new dynasty Zickard, with the former viscount Daren Zickard as the new king.

Baron Falmuth the new prime minister...the first thing they did after taking the power was to execute all the noble affiliation of the former royalty.

Thus the duke family and more were publicly executed...this led to many changes and the kingdom slowly fell into corruption.

As for Luna Zickard...she was directly sent into the mage section and was removed from the royal family list...

The new king deemed her unworthy of sharing the same name and fully made her a weapon for war.

Though he was thinking he still had full control over her with his mind reality, Luna had changed very much in the 2 weeks after the revolution.

Now standing on top of the castle which was slowly rebuilt...she set her hand on the edge wall and stared at the horizon.

Luna : Ne you think i will ever see him again ?

Snowie : (...)

After waking up, Luna had a hard time controlling her new body...due to Snowie's presence she had evolved greatly.

The weak aspect of her body decreased and an entire week she had to readjust herself to her own body.

She also met Snowie who was forcefully given to her...the spirit didn't hide her dislike toward the situation and barely talked.

Snowie didn't consider Luna as her master...she couldn't understand why Dawn did that, if she stayed with him...they could have still won, she thought.

Luna : I really underestimated my own think after he disappeared I would feel such emptiness.

Clenching her fist, a small object shone on around her neck...a necklace with the shape of a crescent moon.

Luna : I need to stay strong, I know one day our path will cross again.

Snowie : (Tch...)

Luna might appear like a strong person right now...but this was after the aftermatch, the reaction she released when first waking up was despair, grief, guilt...

She wasn't breaking down at the moment because she already reached the lowest mental state she ever had in this short life of hers...

Lifting the necklace to the sky, she stared at it intensely...biting her lips, a shaky voice then escaped her mouth.

Luna : I'll swear...we'll meet again.

On the other side, hidden in a cold room Sola was sitting in front of the strongest woman in the dynasty, Zickard.

Sola : (Ugh...she is scary as hell and what are these stats ! She is like a monster in human skin!)

Mia : So...why the hell are you still alive ?

Sola : W-what do you mean...

Mia : Don't play dumb ! And you Ray ! You were ordered to kill her and the rest of viscount Lavane's family !

Glaring toward the last colleague she had in the shadow group of Muth...Ray was a muscle head totally opposite from Raven and Mia.

He was brain dead but his strength had to be recognized as if he truly tried...a single of his strikes would shake the entire nation.

Ray : W-well...this brat won...

Mia : Huh ?

Ray : She challenged me in a duel and won...

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now