Chapter 37: Lost control

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3rd Pov

Seating face to face, Yuu and Horizon shared some tea...

Horizon : Why do you want to know that ?

Yuu : I have my own reason...for now, I just want to understand Dawn-san more.

Horizon : I see...but there is one thing you are wrong about.

Yuu tilted her head confused at his sudden statement.

Horizon : Even if I tell you everything I know, you still won't be able to understand him at all.

Yuu : Why ?

Horizon : Mmh, i wonder why myself...he is just like that i guess.

Closing his eyes, his vague answer was even more confusing...

Horizon : You wanted to know my story too, I think it's a good time to finally share it so listen well.

Yuu : (His story ? Is he really going to tell me ? I mean until now he did everything to keep it hidden...)

Horizon : Back then, when I first met Dawn-san was around 1300 years ago...

1300 years ago, at that time...the Eastern empire's influence was expanding rapidly...otherworldly summoning too spread around like wildfire.

Nation would summon them and throw them away if they had no use...most of them were children who died due to unstable magicule.

Horizon was one of that time, his name was Azuma Kirai, a 11 years old boy from japan.

He was a failed summon who didn't manage to gain an unique skill...his soul was unstable and his magicule rampant.

It was a question of years before he died...thus he was thrown into prison and for the next 2 years served as a good for nothing worker in his cell.

Yuu : That's...this world is really cruel isn't it...

This reminded of her own past as a slave...her family abandoning her...

Horizon : It is...I don't really know...

He had every reason to hate this world but still, the way he looks at it now after living so was a bit different.

Horizon : After 2 long years of torture, i had felt that my time was body was slowly breaking and so do my mind.

But the difference between him and the other was shown at that moment...blinded by the thirst to live, Azuma went crazy.

One night, he overcame his own fate by sacrificing his own name...the overflowing magicule coupled to the sacrifice earned him a unique skill from the voice of the world.

Unique skill : Survival...the sudden surge of power intensified his berserk...and just like that the 62 prison guards and 121 prisoners that accompanied him were slaughtered with his very own hands.

Yuu : Y-you slaughtered them the age of 13 ?

Horizon : Yeah...i can still feel their bones cracking under my grip, their blood splashing everywhere as my hand digs their organs out.

His eyes glowed pure red as a maniac grin formed on his face...Yuu would lie if she said she wasn't terrified by the sight.

She knew he was a heartless monster but this new side might actually be the true Horizon White, a man who killed because he wanted to kill...

Horizon : I had become nothing but a mindless killing machine...if he didn't stop me that day, I would have surely destroyed the kingdom that summoned me.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now