Chapter 56: Founding Festival Prelude

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3rd Pov

In the Eastern empire, the throne room was enveloped in a cold atmosphere as the recent news all came in...

The sudden dissolution of the demon lord council, the rise of Tempest, the alliance between Ruberios and the monster nation...

And even rumors that the white ice dragon, Velzard was seen in the sky of Ruberios...all this led to Rudra and his henchmen to gather and talk.

Rudra : I seriously hope you guys got me some good news for once.

His crimson eyes gazing down at each one of his ministers and generals, they all flinched.

Damrada : The West is in total shamble...we underestimated the control that Ruberios truly held on the human nation...

Rudra : I can see that...what about Luminous Valentine ?

Kondou : She was last seen in Tempest, from our most recent observation she should have regained Ruberios via teleportation...

Rudra : Tempest, do we have any news about them ?

This was getting really annoying for him, the main reason was the ultimate lack of information they had...up until now, their biggest enemy was Guy Crimson and Ruberios.

None of them really give out information about important internal matters, but Tempest seems much more open yet no useful information came in.

Calgurio : They recently announced a festival...and many guests were invited.

Rudra : A festival ?

Nodding, Calgurio took out a long list and started calling out some names.

Calgurio : Those are the publically invited guests, among them we can find King Gazel Dwargo from the Armed nation of Dwargon, the empress Elemesia El Ru Sarion for the Sorcerer dynasty, the new heroic king of Flamuth, Youm Falmuth...t-the goddess Luminous-

Velgrynd : They invited the fake goddess directly ?

Chuckling, Velgrynd could see that everyone was taking action now...but something bothered her, it has been a few days since she couldn't feel Velzard's presence at all.

And the rumors of the ice dragon above Ruberios didn't help.

Rudra : I see, is Dawn Arceid participating too ?

Calgurio : While his name wasn't listed...if Goddess Luminous does personally come, i can't see anyone else capable of standing as her guard.

At the mention of Dawn, Kondou flinched and gritted his teeth...remembering a certain battle of the past.

Rudra : Then assassination or any attempt of sabotaging this Festival is meaningless.

At first, before the recent event...Rudra wanted his army to trample over the Jura forest and take over the Western nation.
Veldora's disappearance certainly helped for that and so Falmuth war was instigated to slowly invade the west.

But after a while Damrada has come back to the empire with mild news..until now, their main leverage on Ruberios was Granbell Rosso who was also the Luminary of the Sun, Gran.

With such contact, the empire had a connection with the west...but Damarada had gone to check on Granbell since he was oddly silent.

Only to find that both the former hero and his granddaughter were murdered...their bodies were pale and the attack used had perfectly negated any possible treatment or regeneration.

This was when Damrada understood that he had to leave quickly...because the only few being capable of such damage would be an awakened being.

Something that would endanger his life more than necessary, thought he did bring back a good pawn from this ordeal.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now