Chapter 32: Reaching the Sky

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3rd Pov

Inside the vampire kingdom, in Night garden...

Dawn finally woke up after 3 weeks, the previous battle had drained everything from him so now he had to properly rest.

Right now, Dawn could only listen to the voice of the world making it's announcement, with his mind half unconscious.

VOTW : (Usage of last skill : Inheritance from individual Luna, successful... transmission... successful, all characteristic are transferred to individual Dawn Arceid)

As the operation started, Dawn could feel a warm feeling fill his soul...

VOTW : (Error, soul of individual Dawn Arceid cannot withstand the overwhelming evolution, reduction...sacrifice of unique skill : Copyright, Author, Reader and Fiction...formation of new ultimate skill : Lord of Story, Author...acquisition of remaining skill...successful.)

Dawn couldn't properly comprehend what was happening but it seem his evolution was going well...a little too well.

VOTW : (Acquisition of individual Luna's hero egg...successful,

Naturally, Luna had awakened at the last minute her hero egg...she had become a True hero so integrating it into his body was impossible.

An unawakened egg and one awakened couldn't become one, the balance wasn't possible...thought that normally impossible.

VOTW : (Solution found, integration successful, separation...successful, all resistance and immunity will be enhanced...acquisi-)

Bearing two hero eggs separately, Chloe of the future was the only one able to achieve it...but in theory it's also possible for others.

Gaining the characteristic of a true hero despite not having awakened your own egg.

Luna's awakening ceremony wasn't done when she interrupted it so Dawn could assimilate it all and restart the ceremony.

Yeah...the first time in history where the Voice of the world isn't performing a single individual evolution but multiple on a single person.

VOTW : (Birth of a True hero, successful...individual Dawn Arceid can now freely switch between physical and spiritual body, acquisition of unique skill : Fate...successful, Notification, unique skill : Fate resonated with unique skill : False hope...permission for sacrifice.)

The request seems to be directly waiting for Dawn to seems the skills itself wanted it so Dawn could just smile and agree to everything that is going to happen now.

The voice of the world is an ally of neutrality...he will never be unfair so trusting the system couldn't be bad.

VOTW : (Ressource insuffisante, sacrifice of unique skill : Regeneration, sacrifice of unique skill-sacrif-)

This continued for a while, the 12 skills he inherited from Luna were slowly used as sacrifice for False hope and Fate's evolution.

VOTW : (Evolution completed, formation of Ultimate skill : Lord of Fate, Origin...successful.)

The evolution soon concluded with a bit more announcement, finally everything became quiet.

In his own mind space, another flame appeared beside his own symbolizing his hero egg...while his flame was a cold blue.
This new one was raging blaze...the silhouette of a past friend could be seen.

Dawn : Really might haunt me for the rest of life.

Even if they end up fighting...there was no hate, fear or resentment.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now