Chapter 47: Hero and Schemes

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3rd Pov

The crisis of Ruberios Dawn was listening and going through Yuu and Eleonor's investigation about the Eastern empire's force.

Dawn : This is more than I expected...Rudra is really planning an all out war.

It seems Rudra's wariness about Dawn made him take more this rate, the current Tempest won't be able to win this...

Well that's not quite right because Rimuru is much stronger too...

Dawn : You two did a good job...

Yuu : Naturally !

Eleonor : If I may, I also have a separate report to say...

Dawn : Sure, go ahead.

Still looking at the document listing the empire's military force, their weaponry and more...he listened to his subordinate's report.

Eleonor : I have a message to relay to you...

Dawn : A message ? From who ?

Eleonor : I...don't really know...

Dawn : ???

Tilting his head, he put down the document to seriously listen to her...

Eleonor : It was a few days ago...just before coming back...


Eleonor was walking through the busy streets of the Eastern empire...making sure no one was following her, it was time to meet up with Yuu.

Things were going on smoothly and she had no reason to expose herself to danger any longer...but then, in the middle of the crowded street.

A figure surged from behind her...a creepy feeling washing her whole existence, Eleonor stood still frozen.

???: I have a message for Dawn Arceid, deliver it without fault.

Eleonor : ...

???: Tell him word for word : The origin of a day always starts by its dawn.

A coded message ? A hidden meaning ? This was clearly something destined toward Dawn and Eleonor couldn't grasp its meaning.

Still she nodded nervously understanding the danger of the situation...

???: Good.

After that, the figure disappeared the same way it vanishing into the air...

Flashback End

This report was oddly worrying..;a mysterious figure capable of handling Eleonor like that ?

Dawn : Did you recognize the gender at least ?

Eleonor : The voice was grumpy and cold...almost robotic, I feel like it wasn't even a living being who talked...

This left a strong impact on the poor girl as she couldn't stop shaking.

Dawn : I see...and you Yuu ? Anything to say ?

Yuu : Well...when I found Eleonor, she was shaking like a little puppy...

Dawn : (Could it be the Author ? But I don't see him giving this kind of message...)

Another unknown factor was added to the whole plot...

Dawn : I'll look into this later...for now, prepare the genesis knight for their first official mission.

This sure came at the wrong time, his schedule was overcharged...adding more would turn everything unmanageable.

Dawn : In 3 days from now on...Hinata will leave with a few holy knights to Tempest, i will assign Shi and Yuu in that unit.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now