Chapter 39: Understanding/Hinata vs Rimuru

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3rd Pov

Quickly rushing over the scene, Dawn arrived after Rimuru defeated Ramiris's golem...

They were now on the ground doing a mini picnic.

Dawn : (So 2 years really passed...dammit, a lot of things must have changed, what about the Fallen light ? Falmuth war too is going to change since Noir was summoned way earlier.)

Standing there thinking, his presence was well concealed but for the master of this place, Ramiris quickly noticed him.

Her eyes widening, she quickly flew over him letting the cookies she was eating fall.

Ramiris : You finally woke up ! It has been 2 years, you idiot !

Punching his face lightly, it seemed she got really worried...tears swelled in her eyes, this made Dawn feel a bit guilty.

Dawn : Sorry...I got caught in something...

Ramiris : Idiot !

Ut took a few more minutes for her to calm down and rest on his shoulder...Dawn then turned his attention toward Rimuru.

He was a bit taller than the last time they met...

Dawn : (Oh ? He is a lot stronger than he should this level, he might be able to take down Hinata even under Anti-magic area...)

This was problematic...

Rimuru : Dawn-san ?!

Dawn : It has been a while...

Rimuru Pov

I didn't expect to meet him here...furthermore it has been 2 years already, he never came to visit Tempest...

Still, what is he doing here ? It seems he knows Ramiris quite well and even that noisy fairy cried for his sake...

Dawn : Mmh, you assume you are here to summon spirits for these children ?

Rimuru : You already knew ?

Dawn : Well, seeing their unstable state...this is a logical conclusion.

Turning toward the childrens, they were hiding behind Ranga but I could see Chloe more interested than usual.

She was peeking her head as if she was trying to remember something.

Rimuru : It's impressive how you found out with just a took me a month before finding a solution.

Dawn : I just lived for a long time.

Guh...from Noir's story, this guy is at least a thousand years old...seriously, he just looks like a man in his twenties...

Dawn : Anyway, do you mind if I accompany you from here ?

Rimuru : Not really...we are just going to summon the spirits so you can watch I guess...

Smiling, I still remember how Noir told me to be careful with him but I don't think there is a need for that.

Actually, this time he seems a bit different...more honest i would say ?

Anyway, after some more talk we found ourselves walking through a long corridor toward the summoning room.

I was with a childrens and Ranga a bit behind while Dawn-san and Ramiris talked ahead.

3rd Pov

While catching up, Ramiris told Dawn a little information, it seems Snowie and Dusk decided to leave for now.

They went on informing Luminous or the member of the fallen light about his situation.

Since Dawn collapsed inside Ramiris's labyrinth there was nothing really to worry, now both spirits returned to the spirit world.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now