Cahpter 52: Origin Averion, The life of the brightest star

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3rd Pov

A few days have passed since the start of the academy year...every student has pretty much set their mark, the nobles staying with those of their rank.

Relation and friendship naturally formed...only a few decided to stay alone preferring the calmness of a silent circle.

Origin being one of them, focused on his personal development...besides, even if he wanted to get along with others, he couldn't...

Not many would even dare walking the same path as him...his status was just that higher, he also couldn't understand those around him.
Friendship wasn't a notion he was familiar with...

Origin : Swordsmanship lesson won't start before an entire seems, the academy is trying to consider us...

Not everyone was like him, most students were normal 13 year old children who had minor experience with swords.

The academy surely wants to slowly introduce the art by theory and lesson before moving to practice...

Origin : It's pretty dumb though, well it's also easier for me.

In terms of sword skill, he will easily get the top grade but in terms of academics...he wasn't dumb having finished most of the books inside the duchy of Averion.

But, this academy was all about teaching the future ruler of the continent...surely, their lesson would uphold their reputation.

Origin : I just have to focus more on studying...

As he planned his future action, he walked through an isolated part of the academy, a series of buildings that led to a small garden.

It was pretty peaceful, surely an ideal place to hide from the lousy academy students.

???: Stop that !

And as if the world was sending a message, the moment he thought he had found a land of peace, a loud cry resonated through the space.

Sighing, Origin just continued to walk without caring about the previous cry...unfortunately, he accidentally walked in the trouble.

Just beside the wall he was hiding at, 3 boys and 2 girls...they seem to be arguing about something.

One of the girls was on the ground, her cheek swollen red suggesting she was slapped a moment ago.

Origin : It seems, some middle nobles are bullying the lower rank...

It wasn't really his problem, he could actually step in and stop this ordeal but those bullies will surely come back later.

And eventually, those girls would just cling to him in hope for protection.

Origin : I should leave now.

Having set his mind, his legs stopped abruptly when the lady on the ground looked up...her face clear in display.

Origin would never forget a face he had once seen...even if it was years ago.

Origin : Catherine Widson ? What is she doing here ?

No, what is important is why is she on the ground ? Did those guys have a death wish ? Because hitting one of the 3 ducal families is akin to wishing death.

Unfortunately for Origin, in a moment of inattention, his presence was found out by Catherine who widely grinned after noticing him.

Catherine : Your highness the future duke ! Please help me !

Her words had a dramatic effect as everyone present froze...Origin himself was startled by her sudden pleas.

It was like she was playing a rôle, but surely he understood...Catherine was a student of this academy but she wasn't known as the daughter of the Widson.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now