Chapter 9: Destined fate

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3rd Pov

In the garden located in the back of the Arceid mansion, Dawn was breathing heavily as sweat furiously ran down his forehead.

It was still early in the morning, he had been training at dawn and was now finally able to use his body more efficiently.

Weeks had passed since Sola's the meantime, Dawn decided to increase his training regiment.

And once again, he could see the progress happening each day he trained and this more than enough of a motivation.

Dawn : Let's do it again.

Taking a deep breath, he focused his strength in his legs and dashed forward executing Burst step...but this wasn't finished, he continued forcing his muscle to bend.

And executed Burst step a second time, then a third before collapsing on one knee...his breath accelerated as he tried to maintain his consciousness.

Dawn : So only 3 times in a row...I could force the fourth but my body would break afterward...

He had been testing the limitation to his body, having a good knowledge of himself is as important as knowing his opponent.

Dawn : Anyway, I should get going.

He muttered before getting up, his body was in shambles as his muscles started contracting and was painful but nothing he couldn't handle.

And today, he had some business to attend mainly, he wanted to meet that dark elf who can read your future...since it's a magical world, those predictions aren't scam even more when they come from the mystic elven race.

He went to have breakfast with his mother and immediately departed...

Dawn : Now that I think I'm turning 8 in a few months, time sure flew fast.

Looking up to the blue sky, Dawn continued to walk behind him where a few servants were ordered to keep him out of danger.

Thought because of last time, where Dawn managed to run away from them...the amount of servants had increased from 3 to 5.

Even so, Dawn was confident he could get away...Burst step is a very strong technique and just two steps well used could get Dawn out of their sight.

But fortunately for them, this time Dawn had no intention of leaving as he just wanted to meet that dark elf.

And even if a kidnapping happened again, Snowie was walking beside her master, invincible for all but him.

She wouldn't let some slave trader approach them.

Dawn : (By the way Snowie, i would like you to constantly use magic perception and see if that dark elf doesn't scam us.)

He was still careful of strangers, a natural rule implemented in his mind since his former life.

Snowie complied and let her eyes glow as all the magicule flux became visible for her.

Shortly after, they reached their destination and Dawn entered a sort of tent-like stand.

He entered with the servants waiting outside and discovered a very cliche-like shop...everything screamed medium who could read the future or see the dead.

Dawn sighed before taking his seat in front of a face covered dark elf...her clothes were provoking and showcased most of her skin.

But as a former watcher of Ecchi and He...anyway, Dawn wasn't much affected.

Dark Elf : Welcome honored guest, what would you like to know ? Your destiny ? Your future ? Your love life ?

Dawn looked down at the sign showcasing the price, it wasn't cheap but neither too expensive for a noble event as small as the Arceid.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now