Chapter 15: Lara Arceid

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3rd Pov

Standing in the line to give his choice for the special class...Dawn waited, a paper sheet in hand.

He waited patiently to submit his choice.

Dawn : (Traveling option was the best, during our second year we'll get a field trip to Ingracia...finally I will be able to visit another kingdom.)

He was kind of excited as originally, he shouldn't be able to leave the kingdom before his majority...for multiple reasons.

But this field trip bypasses all those reasons.

As the line decreased, Dawn turned around finally addressing some words to the girl who stuck his sleeve for a while now.

Dawn : By the way, you are still taking the advanced magic class, right...

Luna : Umu.

Nodding, both submitted their choice and left...for the last few months nothing much changed.

Fortunately, Dawn didn't have much problem with the other for Aaron it seems the intimidation worked as he stayed out of his way.

Now walking around the school ground, Dawn continuously thought about a few things...certainly nothing much happened at school for the last few months.

But for the world, it was another story...a few weeks ago, the demon lord had announced two new members...Dagruel and demon lord Valentine.

It was shocking news for all but for Dawn it was a how fast time passed...

Dawn : (At this rate...things are turning grim...i'm losing my time here.)

It was a fact that he had become stronger in this school but compared to the growth he could have earned training outside...this school lost most of its value the moment Dawn understood that his current level both technique and knowledge surpassed the teachers themself.

But now, Dawn has found something to hold on in this school.

Dawn : (Also i need to train and readjust myself to my new ability.)

For the past few months, aside from studying and gathering more knowledge he didn't read the novel.

Dawn tested out his new or rather new found power inside the unique skill : Author...

It was still very blurry and the path he had to take to perfect this skill is still unknown.

Anyway, now that he could manifest it at will, he distinguished and separated the skill into 2 abilities.

First being,'s the perfect ability to accompany the unique skill : Reader.

As with it Dawn could perfectly see and visualize each chemical composition of anything...

Taking a glass of water which we mix soda inside...with Reader, Dawn can clearly see the composition of it, the quantity of each drink and more.

And now with Rewrite, he could change the composition at will...if the glass is filled at 80 % of water and 20 % of soda, then he can rewrite its composition and make it 80 % of soda and 20 % of water.

The power is still limited as Dawn still works on it but he has great expectation in it and is currently trying to rewrite a piece of magic ore he had kept.

He wondered if by changing the property of such a mineral, he could get something unique and unseen.

Now to his second ability, Write...the efficiency of this one is still low as a single use of it would literally take more magicule than what Dawn has currently.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now