Chapter 18: An early goodbye

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3rd Pov

Back at home, Dawn immediately fell down into his bed as he reached his dorm.

His mind dozing off on what he could deduce after the bandit was aimed toward him.

He knew the Arceid family was despised since their fall but to have them would be too much.

So what is left is his father's side family and the main suspect would be...viscount Zickard, Luna's father.

Dawn : This is starting to get heated...

If they are moving now...mean something was going on and for that they needed the Lavane family gone.

And since he was reputed to be the weakest and failure children of the family, he was the easiest and obvious target.

Dawn : That would mean the purpose of the ambush would either be a warning or a serious attack toward the rest of my family.

Covering his eyes with his arm, those bandits were merely following orders and were offered money for it.

Things slowly started to piece up as Dawn got up.

Dawn : I'm missing a lot of information...

He originally wanted to rest after this tiring trip but as things are evolving, he couldn't allow himself that luxe.

Dawn : For now...i should meet with Luna.

Doing as he says, he got out and went toward the girls dorm...on the way he looked up, the sky was already orange and night time was incoming.

Dawn : Mmh ?

Stopping as he reached the building in question, he looked up at Luna's room window...there was no light.

He had come here a few times since they were close friends and she has the habit of never turning off the candle which was the light for everyone here.

Dawn : (Snowie?)

Snowie : (She isn't here, master.)

Nodding, it seems this will have to wait...well at least he had something else to do at the moment and this was...

Dawn : You should come out now, I didn't know I had a night time stalker.

As he said, he turned his head toward a tree...the leaves were dense as if someone was hidden inside.

Hearing no answer, Dawn signed and sent a dagger of was fast enough where a single blink would have let you die.

But to his surprise, the dagger was deflected as a man in corpulence jumped away running as fast as he could.

Because of the surprise, Dawn didn't follow could he have defeated his attack when his magicule was so weak.

Dawn : A physically superior opponent ? No, his build was literally one of a student...

Dawn Pov

A student, huh...i see, so that is how it is, they got me pretty well.
Clenching my fist, I approached the tree this spy was hiding on a moment earlier...this wasn't here, my memories are flawless.

They planned to spy on me for a moment, they should have been watching me since the moment I left the Arceid mansion.

My classmate ? My teacher ? Maybe among those I call friends ? I can't trust anyone at the moment...

Even Sola, she knows and I know her secret, we have an agreement but at the end we are still human...betrayal is something normal at this point.

Dawn : And Luna...

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now