Chapter 34: Conqueror of Flame, Shizue Izawa

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3rd Pov

Some time passed, currently inside the Jura Forets...Rimuru had already went to Dwargon and came back...

After meeting the conqueror of flames, he soon had to face reality and watch her die.

Laying on her deathbed, Shizue stared at the ceiling weakly.

Shizue : You know slime-san...i-i don't want to die...

She broke down in tears after saying that...Rimuru could only helplessly witness the scene, he was forcing Great sage to find a solution but nothing...

He was too weak at the moment.

Rimuru : Y-you told me you were searching for someone when you entered the forest...who ?

Shizue : Ahh...his name is Leon Cromwell, a demon lord...
Rimuru : Demon lord Leon Cromwell, huh...

The discussion was quiet and awkward, Shizue just stared at the ceiling feeling her body altering due to old age.

This was the consequence after losing Ifrit...

Rimuru : Do you have any wishes ?

Rimuru wasn't dumb, it was clear...Shizue is going to die soon and there was nothing he could do to save her.

The sole thing he could do is ask for her dying wishes and make them come true.

Shizue : I-...please save the childrens...

Rimuru : The children ?

Shizue : Yes...

Closing her eyes, she narrated how she met those 5 summoned children destined to everyone had abandoned them.

Shizue : I also came here in hope of finding a way to save them...

Rimuru : I see...c-can you tell me your story ?

He was desperately trying to hold the conversation longer...Shizue knew that and smiled.

Shizue : Sure...let's see, all started when-

From this point onward, she narrated her life...the painful moment to the happy one.

How she was summoned by Leon Cromwell and given Ifrit, how she was abandoned and met the masked Hero who then became her teacher and traveling companion.

How even that Hero left her behind...she then wandered the world alone...

Shizue : That was until I met a weird guy...

Rimuru : A weird guy ?

Shizue : Yes...he was quiet and we barely exchanged a few words...yet it felt like we were longtime companions.

It was during one of her stay at an Inn after coming back from a mission, she decided to rest for the day and went to the restaurant on the spot.

There she met him...the restaurant was crowded so she had to share a table with a stranger not like she minded.

The one that day was named Dawn...they shared a short meal and discussed a little, strangely enough that man engaged the conversation when he realized who she was.

At first, Shizue thought he knew her due to her adventurer career and reputation but all this crumbled when he mentioned elements from her past.


In that crowded restaurant, Shizue ate quietly with her mask on...the person beside her has been engaging in small talk for a while now.

Though Shizue only responded with a short answer or nod, it didn't seem to bother him.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now