Chapter 57: The legacy blessed by Fate

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3rd Pov

Slowly stretching as he got up from his bed, Dawn got up and grabbed his coat before leaving the luxurious guest room that was prepared for him.

Inside one of the many hotels available in Tempest, the sun was barely waking up forming a beautiful orange shaded sky on the horizon.

Dawn : Today is the first unofficial day of this festival, huh...

What was planned in the agenda for now was the coming up of many merchants and adventurers in the capital city.

They were going to see and visit the city before the festival, some nobles might even pass today but none of that really concerned Dawn himself.

Dawn : Wake up, Kyuri.

Once he was ready, he went up to his small companion who was still sleeping, a little fox who had now 9 tails after being named.

Kyuri : Ugh, mashter is too mean, let me sleep, kion~

Dawn : You want to miss lunch that much ?

Kyuri : No !

Immediately after hearing her third favorite word which is « lunch », the fox's eyes flew open as she shook her fur forcing her brain to come to sense.

Licking her paw, she then jumped on Dawn's shoulder as he chuckled to her antics.

Dawn : We got invited to eat with Ramiris and Rimuru, so expect some good food.

It was truly a peaceful and calm time, walking down the street of Tempest...Dawn watched as the first few goblins and other monsters raised to open their shop and business.

Humans were present too, this just showed how much impact Tempest had on the interracial relation between humans and monsters in general.

Dawn : (Now that I think...Masayuki should arrive today...)

Looking up, the climate of Tempest was really ideal...a clear blue sky almost everyday of the year, not too hot or cold.

Even during the winter, it wasn't like in the west where every winter was freezing cold...

Kyuri : (It's master's fault for using that Ice spell on the entire west!)

Dawn : (I know...don't remind me...)

Even now, the effect of his and Luna's fight from 2000 years ago was still present, everyone forgot but the world itself didn't.

At that, Dawn could only sight...he couldn't feel the cold or heat but still, hearing everyone complain about the weather made him a bit depressed and guilty.

Dawn : (Luckily, the jura forest didn't seem to have been affected...or at least not enough to permanently change it's weather.)

Dawn also thought about the possibility of Veldora's magicule overpowering his own, returning the Jura forest to its former state.

But well, he wasn't really interested in doing advanced research on weather dynamics.

Kyuri : (Master ! When can I meet Kumara?)

Dawn : (Soon, my friend...very soon.)

Despite having woken up and given a name a few days ago, Dawn still didn't let Kyuri meet her granddaughter.

For one, Kumara wasn't named yet...

And mainly because, even if she was frozen in time...Kyuri had lost a lot of basic mechanisms...she could barely walk or talk.

And due to her being named for the first time, she had undergone an evolution...her previous seven tails growing into nine.

Dawn was confident in comparing her to the powerhouse like Ultima or Carrera...just her fighting ability was greatly decreased due to the seal she had stayed in for Millenia.

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