Chapter 26: Moonlight

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3rd Pov

After the tragedy of Permia, Dawn and Ria were now following Elmesia as they walked through the illusion set around Sarion.

Finally after long minutes of walking...they both stood in front of the capital of Sarion...where the world tree is located.

Ria : That's...

Dawn : (The world tree, sure is massive when you look at it with your own eyes.)

Elmesia : Hehe, don't faint yet ! My city has much more to show !

Smiling brightly, she seemed to be excited to bring those two in...Ria followed but Dawn kept his eyes on the world tree.

His pupil shone as the sudden idea of scanning the world tree with Reader came.

Dawn : (What th-)

And almost instantly, blood came out of his mouth...this world tree was just too complex and overloaded his mind.

If he had stayed over 0.3 seconds analyzing it, he would have died...this is what he concluded as he fell on one knee.

Ria : Dawn !

Elmesia : (What did he just try?)

As they tried to get to him, a shadow appeared behind Dawn...Elmesia stopped right dead on her track while Ria hurted a barrier.

Ria : What ?! A barrier ?!

Trying to punch it, no matter what she did to it, was useless...

Elmesia : Don't seems that Dawn got her interest...

Ria : what ? Who are you talking about ?!

Elmesia : My mother.

With a tired smile, it seemed the apple didn't fall too far from the tree as Silvia had a similar way to cause trouble when it came to her fun.

Back to Dawn, he was panting heavily as he clutched on his head.

Silvia : Ara~you sure tried something interesting.

A sweet voice spoke from startled the boy for a moment before he tried to turn around only to get stopped by a finger poking his cheek.

Silvia : Ne ne, tell me what did you see ?

Dawn : Wh-

Silvia : You just used an intriguing unique didn't seem like a normal appraisal,'s more like you tried to understand the very concept of the world tree...i'm curious what did you see ?

Dawn was at a loss of words...he didn't know how to answer and frankly to be said he didn't see anything but an insane amount of information.

Dawn : I-

Silvia : Mmh, to think my daughter would bring such an interesting human, we can talk later.

She didn't even let him finish and continued to observe was starting to become really awkward for Dawn.

Fortunately after a few more minutes, she stopped and removed the barrier after healing him.

Silvia : Anyway, you brought someone interesting, El-chan.

Elmesia : I know right, he has some business with you but you can hear him out after I take them on a tour around Sarion.

Silvia : Sure sure, you know where to find me anyway.

Elmesia : Hai hai.

As they finished, Slivia turned to Dawn one last time before leaving with a grinning smirk.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now