Chapter 11: A good first day

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3rd Pov

Months passed, and finally the first day of school of Dawn had arrived.

Staring at himself through a mirror, he woke early in the morning and prepared himself...a white scholar uniform on.

He now just thought about all the things that happened since he reincarnated...he had never really sat down and looked at himself.

This new appearance, this new that he could breathe a little, he realized how much he had changed.

Smiling, he turned away...grabbed his bag and left.

Dawn Pov

After giving my goodbye to my mother, I left in the carriage...6 years of class without only a few holidays to come back.

You could say I was leaving the mansion for good at this point...

I sighed, 12 years in this world...time sure flies fast.

Dawn : Now I wonder what the future has reserved for me.

Pushing my chin onto my hand, I stared at the thought shifted toward this girl Luna an instant.

I quickly shook it away and looked at my hand, the academy shouldn't be much of a problem.

Tensura human world was acting in a medieval knowledge era before the arrival of otherworlder...meaning, the modern knowledge stocked in my brain is much more advanced than anything you can find here beside Magic and Skill.

Dawn : I also gave my resignation letter to the traveler group...their reaction was really...particular.

The employee that took charge of my mission almost cried, losing her most active tool...because yes, the environment there was toxic.

If you don't benefit, then you'll be treated like trash...anyway, they aren't my business anymore, in the end their group was meant to do good.

Just once they noticed how much money they could make from this, greed took over and that's why Yuuki's system later was easily implemented.

Because most of the travelers will one realize how toxic this is and would rebel for changes.

Finally opening my eyes, the carriage stopped...I sighed once again and got out.

The academy in my field of vision, I tightly grabbed my bag and walked forward.

Dawn : 6 years, I have those years to become the strongest in this kingdom.

3rd Pov

An hour later, Dawn was sitting in a classroom...his first ever academy class was about to start.

He was one of the first people here and waited watching the students entering one by one...some had already formed a group of friends...

Dawn : (It seems friend groups are made per social class, also judging by the clothes of all...there are no commoners here.)

His eyes scanning, he had no intention of approaching any of them as every single one of the people present were clothed in a very arrogant manner.

Showcasing their jewelry and gold, trying to catch other attention and give themself some importance.

???: May I sit here ?

His body freezing, Dawn slowly turned toward his left...the same voice he had heard a few months ago...the same face and blue eyes...

Dawn : Yes...does as you please.

He muttered slowly as the girl sat down, her hair trailed down the chair...she had let them grow a little during the last few months.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now