Chapter 2: Unexpected early surprise

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3rd Pov

As his birthday party was about to start, Dawn watched closely as the main family part of his father's side entered the mansion.

Making way to them in a royal motion, the maids and servants all aligned while bowing.

As for Dawn and his mother, they were a floor above watching them arrogantly walk...Dawn had a disgusted expression as he for the first time saw the man he was supposed to call father.

Dawn : (Now i'm happy i didn't get too much from him physically...)

A grassy pig taking the form of a human, his arrogant smile and way of walking along that the 3 ugly women that followed him made Dawn have some flashbacks.

The typical noble in anime, one that is destined to die painfully in the most pitiful way after begging for mercy.

The begging that he must have heard from all the people he harmed...

Dawn : (And she must be the heir, huh.)

As he deduced, his father already had an offspring acting as the heir...walking behind the group was a lone girl who inherited her mother's blonde hair and green eyes.

She was around her third year yet walked alone and had an air of maturity.

Dawn : (Oh?)

This intrigued Dawn, someone like that shouldn't exist when they were born and lived around greedy nobles.

Children are often influenced by their parents, even if you don't notice it. They are signs and behaviors that you inherit and naturally assimilate from your parents.

Dawn : (If i am really in a novel, then beside the main cast everyone should be npc but this girl is acting weirdly off...or am i wrong ?)

Until now, he had realized that this world was real and was now his new reality but the thought of being inside Tensura was still there.

All these people, maids and even his mother are living beings but for Tensura novels, they are just npc and wanable characters.

And this was quite proven when Dawn saw how everyone would act...they had emotion and will but no development as if they were destined to live a life of no change.

That was when Dawn realized, everyone is npc...even back in his past world, all follow the cycle of daily life and just live on.

There is no main character as they aren't in a novel properly, rather than that everyone is their own main character...

But for the world, there is none...but among all those characters some are developed...the great man who achieved great things.

That's why Dawn found this girl odd, why would she be different ? Why does she act differently when she should be an npc...

The answer is simple: she isn't one...

Dawn : (Now, what really intrigues me is that there is no mention of the Arceid or Lavane name inside Tensura...)

His logic was why would a developed character not appear in the novel ? The only answer he could form was that she is like him...

Someone who shouldn't be there normally, an anomaly who reincarnated inside Tensura...

Dawn : (That might be just a theory but something tells me I'm right...)

As his eyes carefully followed the girl as she followed their father, she suddenly turned and looked at him...their eyes meeting, gray against green.

It was brief, the matter of a second yet for them it seemed to have been an entire conversation.

As if reading each other instantly...

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now