Chapter 12: Proving yourself

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3rd Pov

3 days have passed since the great start of Dawn's school life...Finally at their first practice class, all the students were gathered on a training field with their wand or whatever weapon they chose.

Waiting for their teacher, the students chatted separated by their social class...beside Dawn and Luna who stuck together.

It didn't bother Dawn even though he wasn't the one who insisted on being together for lunch, walking from the dormitory to the class building in the morning, sitting beside her in class, finishing school and going back to their dormitory together.

It was Luna who just followed him and didn't even bother to hide her the end, they pretty much grew closer and somehow became friends.

Now standing beside each other in the background, they exchanged a few meaningless words while staring at the crowd of students.

Dawn : By the way, Luna, I still don't know what kind of mage you want to become.

Luna : What kind of mage ?

Dawn : I mean, we all know you got a high amount of mana but if you don't specialize in some field, this power of yours would be useless.

Luna : I see, then I was told to learn offensive magic.

Dawn : (Offensive ? Well it's logical since it is the type of magic that doesn't rely on anyone but's also the favorite type for any noble since it's the strongest weapon beside skills.)

As he thought, someone sneaked beside the duo, it was the prince of this kingdom the prince he was surely handsome and well built.

With a smile, he waved his hand and spoke up.

Leo: You two seem to get along despite your family difference, anyway you must already know me but i'll still introduce myself, Leo Muth, the heir prince of our kingdom.

Extending his hand toward Luna, Dawn narrowed his eyes...he was polite and showed no sign of superiority complex yet it seemed he didn't acknowledge him.

Luna : Luna.

Shaking his hand, Luna only nodded before going back behind Dawn and stood there quietly.

Dawn : (Well at least this prince isn't one of those generic pigs of a royalty.)

Leo : You must be Dawn Arceid, despite our social stature difference, I hope we can be good partners in the future.

And to Dawn's surprise, the prince extended his hand for a was honestly kind of a shock, the prince of such a kingdom not being arrogant.

Again, Dawn remembered that the actual kingdom of Muth isn't Falmuth...the king is someone good, at least this is what all the rumors said about him.

Dawn : The same for me, your highness.

Leo : Oh please don't call me that, honorifics are useless here since we are just students.

Dawn : If you say so, Leo.

Now it was Leo's turn to be surprised...he didn't expect the boy in front of him spelling his name so directly.

Thought it was refreshing...he smiled and nodded before turning away.

Leo : You sure are interesting, much more than what the rumors of you say...i look forward to our future interaction.

Dawn : If you say so (He is weak...but his intellect seems gifted, i guess this kingdom has a great leader for the future.)

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now