Chapter 51: Origin before the Dawn

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3rd Pov

The sun settling upon the destroyed battlefield, Eleonor and Lucas just arrived on the scene where Ruberios and the Giant's force fought.

They were tasked to investigate the aftermatch damage and Horizon's whereabouts.

Lucas : This is a total can easily guess what kind of battle happens here.

Eleonor : Yeah...the giants must have dominated most of the battle.

They could some barricade typical from Ruberios's army, all of these construct were destroyed...the giants being naturally robust and tanky.

They must have charged in and taken Ruberios off guard.

Eleonor : And this is when Horizon stood up...

Looking around, the most noticeable damage on this entire plain was the large print left by the king of giant and Horizon's fight.

A large crater, some residue of magicule and was truly a clash that exceeded human norm...

Lucas : It seems he really gave his all...and still, Horizon lost...

This was a bit disheartening as Horizon was the second strongest among their group, you might not like him but that was an undiened fact.

So his losing meant that no one beside their leader had a chance against Dagruel who isn't even among the strongest demon lords.

Eleonor : Cover me, I'll start reading the memories of this battlefield.

Lucas : Do it fast, I got a bad feeling...

Nodding Eleonor immediately started, using her unique skill : Clairvoyance, she watched the past of this plain.

The roaring battle between human and giant...and the demise of a hero, after around an hour, Eleonor woke up and took a deep breath.

Lucas : So ?

Eleonor : It's as we thought, Horizon was taken by demon lord Dagruel...he fought until, not even after both his arms were torn apart...

Clenching her fist, the state in which Horizon was at the end of the fight was was a miracle he could still stand...

No, it was pure willpower...the true miracle was that he survived by earning the giant's recognition...Horizon managed to trade blows.

He lost both his arm and a leg, and in exchange he managed to tear one of Dagruel's arms...

Eleonor : After that, they left...we should get back to Ruberios for now...going further alone will be dangerous.

Lucas : we have to retreat now while Horizon is suffering ?!

Eleonor : Why are you rebelling now ? Besides, even if we managed to get the location, there is no way we'll succeed in rescuing him.

Among every member of the Genesis knight, Lucas was the most likely to betray them...his loyalty wasn't to joke at.

But he was closer to Horizon than the rest, so when he was tasked to go there...he had already planned to go help his friend no matter what.

Lucas : We just have to rescue need for fighting.

Eleonor : You...

Her eyes narrowing dangerously, she already knew where this was going...Lucas was determined to rescue Horizon.

But that won't do...Eleonor isn't dumb and knows her limits.

Eleonor : Sorry but I'll have to stop you there.

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