Chapter 54: Origin Averion, the conclusion of a duke's life

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3rd Pov

The greatest revolution of the empire...8 long years have passed and finally, this war within the empire ended.

Averion had won, the great duke Origin Averion with his allies had taken out the emperor and his family except the two heirs...

Shortly after, the imperial prince was put on the throne as the emperor...he who had betrayed the previous emperor to side with the great duke...

But what happened during those 8 years ? Well a lot...i mean a LOT...

During the first year, Origin had quickly settled Averion into a new raising force that could step up against the imperial family...

While becoming the leading family of the 3 ducal families...he also went on toward the nation of the center east...nations like Silberia joined his cause ready to bet on the potential of the new duke.
At the end of the first year, the imperial family already lost their chance to invade Averion in one go with their army...

They were circled by enemies...being within or outside...

Meanwhile, in Averion...Origin had engaged the few experienced people who decided to stay under him...they either became knights or servants.

While one stood out particularly, the girl Origin held in his arm before he killed his father...Shyria...

The girl found herself particularly attached to her benefactor...and quickly became part of Origin's daily life.

Bringing him some sweets or tea when he was working, assisting him when he was practicing swordsmanship or magic...she supported him in every way she could.

Origin at first wanted to reject her but...she had suffered because of Averion, the fact that she wasn't looking at him with hatred was already surprising...

This small guilt allowed her to do as she wished...but her presence wasn't pleasant to everyone as she will also be the cause of one of the tragedies Origin had to live through during this war.

The two people involved were Catherine and Shyria...all started during the start of the second year...

Origin was welcoming Catherine as she had become the new duchesse of the Wisdon...she should be getting married now but her family just respected her wish as she already had someone dear in her heart.

Origin : By the way, congratulations to the new duchesse. I expected you to go through more trials with your siblings but it seems everything went on smoothly.

Catherine : Fufu, we haven't seen each other in months and that's the first thing you brought out ? Anyway, my siblings weren't really interested in the position...also you know-well you know...

Catherine Wisdon, that name was famous throughout the entire continent one year, she had brought out new offensive magic and revolutionized the usage of magic...

The mother of modern magic, but also the creator of the weapon that will take thousands and thousands of lives...

Her previous guilt was overlapped by Origin who used this magic     to win...each battlefield had become more intense since then.

And that's why Catherine became the duchesse, because she had all the prestige needed to raise Wisdon...

Origin : I see, anyway I'm glad you're doing well.

Flashing a sincere smile, Catherine blushed slightly as she noticed the change in Origin's personality...he was much more emotive now.
If 100 % was the level of his coldness before, it has gone down to 98 % now...

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now