Chapter 25: A request from Elmesia

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3rd Pov

Leaving the dwelling, Dawn and Ria made their way toward Sarion...problem they didn't exactly know its location...

So for now they decided to rest in a human nation between Ungracia and the blurry territory of the elves.

They have strong illusion based magic to hide their city and capital...this was to a point where even Dawn's Reader couldn't bypass it.

Mainly because of one of the weaknesses of his skill...but that's a story for another time...

For now, both duo were sitting in a pub...their head covered with a hood while an illusion magic was casted on their appearance.

Ria : You said you wanted to go to Dynasty Sarion...but we still don't have a single clue...

Dawn : They use illusion magic...and surprisingly even my skill Reader cannot bypass it.

Ria : So what should we do ?

Lowering his gaze, Dawn had tried multiple times already...he used different methods but all ended in failure, he couldn't crack the path toward Sarion.

Dawn : I guess it can't be helped...

Sighing, he was about to get up when a sudden chill ran through his body...quickly standing up, he turned around visibly uncomfortable.

Dawn : (What an aura...)

He had just felt a powerful haki being was for a short instant but his sense after being near Ramiris had greatly improved.

Ria : Mmh ?

Dawn : Let's go...

Not waiting, he quickly went to chase that was pure and colored in green, a mark from the elven race.

Dawn : (To release such an aura...maybe my luck hasn't run out yet..)

Quickening his pace as Ria followed closely, they soon reached an alley where a few bandits were laughing.

Laying on the ground in front of them was an elven lady...bound in a very erotic way.

Ria : Is that...

Dawn : Yeah, they are probably going to sell her, basically slavery through the closest city that is either Ingracia or Falmuth.

Ria : Should we help her ?

Ria couldn't see since she was behind him, but Dawn was smirking...he had recognized that Elf and there was simply no way weak bandits like these could beat her.

Dawn : Stay here, I'll take care of this myself.

Ria : Mmh...fine, I'll wait for you outside the alley then.

Leaving the alley, Dawn quickly rushed in...blitzing through the darkness, his eyes glowed as he startled the bandits.

Bandit 1 : Wh-*smack*

Before he could even say a single word, he received a jab right into his chin knocking him out.

Turning around, Dawn scanned through the area...

Dawn : 3 left...

Bandit 2 : You bastard !

Taking out his sword and swinging it at the attacker...Dawn didn't back down and instead went in.

His eyes glowed once again as he swiftly threw a piece of rock right between the blade and him.

Dawn : [Transfer rewrite].

The rock switched with a shield, Bandit 2 was stunned for an instant and this was enough for him to get smashed into the wall.

Using the blind spot created by the shield, normal humans cannot see through matter...and thus 2 was down.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now