Chapter 31: Conclusion of an Era

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3rd Pov

Trapped into a pillar of Ice, Luna's eyes were wide open...this attack's scale was beyond what she expected from Dawn.

Luna : (This ice...i can't melt it or modify it...neither can i move, what in the world is this...)

She tried to break through it but no skill worked even if her divine eyes were blocked...

Luna : (Could it be...this ice is constant subject to Rewrite ? But that would be literally suicidal for him ! The amount of information to handle at once is way too much.)

She gritted her teeth before looking down, the ground was shaking...she instantly deduced that Dawn was coming out now.

She had to get out of this ice quickly...

Luna : If I can't break through the inside, I'll just make it through the outside !

She meant her words, focusing on a combination of her skills and magic, a new meteorite in fusion with boiling magma appeared high in the sky.

She aimed it right toward the pillar she was stuck in...this cost quite a toll in her magicule but it was necessary.

And as she intended, the pillar of ice was shattered completely by her meteorite.

Luna : Tch, to think such ice existed...did he get possessed by the white ice dragon Velzard or what.

Even if she managed to get through that, her arms and legs were covered with frost, it seems her mobility will be reduced from now on.

Luna : Ugh, my mind took quite a hit too.

This truly set the score equal, until now she had the advantage and the outcome of this battle was quite obvious by any veteran fighter but now...

Everything is possible, nothing is decided yet.

Dawn : [Cross cardinal slash].

Luna : !!!

Appearing out of nowhere, Dawn sent out his fastest slash..cutting to a molecular degree, Luna got startled, she didn't sense him coming at all.

And is forced to take the slash, her reaction time just allowed her to get out with a single arm gone.

Luna : Tch, you imbued rewrite on your blade too ?

Her right arm was severed and even unique skill : Regeneration wasn't working, she tried to use Divine eyes but it immediately caused her a headache so she stopped.

Luna : (My mental and physical state aren't reliable anymore...I can't capture him alive now...)

She gritted her teeth in anger as multiple realizations happened at once.

This fight has only two outcomes...and none of them were what she wanted...either she died or he died.

Luna : Ugh...fine then, let's die together Dawn !

Dawn Pov

Where am I ? Right, I passed out after casting Frozen world...dammit, I couldn't keep up with the flux of information.

What is happening outside now ?

Dawn : Where am i...

My conscious reorganizing, I scanned my surroundings...a seemingly endless void, though the clearer my mind became, the more things appeared.

A long library with nameless books...what the hell is this ?

Dawn : Is this another skill ? A trap ? Or a mind illusion ?

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now