Chapter 43: Demon lords/Walpurgis

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3rd Pov

Currently in the Jura Tempest Federation, the monster nation was hosting a big meeting welcoming the ruler and envoy of other nations.

Though some first meeting happened on the spot, everyone calmed and proceeded to a civilized conversation.

Sat on a sort of balcony and Veldora laying down beside while reading a manga, Shuna stood up and started the presentation.

Shuna : Now that everyone is acquainted, allow me to make the presentation.

After gaining total silence, everyone staring at her she continued.

Shuna : From the Armed nation of Dwargon, his majesty Gazel Dwargo.

The dwarf king nodded satisfied.

Shuna : From the animal kingdom, leader of the beastkeeter Albis.

Followed by her two companions, Phobio and Suphia, they all followed with a nod.

Shuna : From the Blumund, the guildmaster and assistant director of intelligence, Mr. Fuze.

The poor human tensed at the mention of his name, everyone present had an aura worthy of a ruler or power beyond human basis.

What more is that earlier, Rimuru had introduced Veldora to everyone here...making things even worse...

Shuna : From the sorcery nation, Dynasty Sarion of Thalion, Archduke Erald Grimwald.

The elf who had previously tried to assault the ruler of this place, Rimuru, because he was « seducing » his daughter, Eren...

Shuna : Lastly, from the Jura Tempest federation, the chancellor and demon lord, Rimuru Tempest-sama.

Followed by Diablo and Shion behind him, Rimuru nodded seriously...but before this meeting could continue...

The sound of loud footsteps approaching the meeting place was heard, everyone turned their eyes toward the source.

Only to find a man walking toward them...

Rimuru : Dawn-kun ? (Wait he seem a bit different...)

Instead of his adventurer-like clothes which consisted of used and torn clothes, he was wearing a long black coat with a white and red holy cross dashing through his left sleeve.

A sword at his wrist, he was a real noble at this moment.

Rimuru : (Wait...since when was he this good looking?!)

Raphael : (Answer : Individual Dawn has been constantly using an illusion spell to alter his appearance.)

Rimuru : (Ahh?!)

Dumbfounded, while he had those reflections the other rulers and envoy were eying Dawn with their own thoughts.

Gazel : (This cross...a holy knight ? Why would one be here in the monster nation ?

Fuze : (A normal human ? Am I not the only one?!)

Erald : (Mmh...he looks familiar...did we meet somewhere before?)

Meeting with his eyes, Erald felt a chill down his spine...he could see and judge to a certain extent the people in front of him.

But for the first time in a while, he felt totally hopeless...even demon lord Rimuru didn't give him that sensation...mainly because Rimuru is more on the pacifist side.

Dawn : I apologize for suddenly interrupting this meeting, but can I join while representing my nation ?

Rimuru : Huh ? Wait, are you someone important from where you are from ?

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now