Chapter 10: Academy prelude

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3rd Pov

3 years later after Dawn's debut as an adventurer/Traveler...during those years, Dawn had acquired precious experience being against monsters or humans.

Bandits, mindless monsters or annoying clients...he had seen a lot of things without forgetting his physical and magical training.

Now 11, Dawn walked through a dense forest going back home...he didn't travel much as he had to stay near Muth so he could come back in time.

The sun was rising slowly piercing the darkness of this forest through the leaf...Dawn removed his mask, his hair had grown a little barely reaching his neck.

His gray eyes became fiercer and the previous human light had grown weaker...he had slowly lost more and more of his sympathy as his human kill count increased.

A sword at his wrist, he walked soundlessly and once he could see the end of the forest...he disappeared into a series of Burst steps.

Reaching his home in a few seconds, he stared at his own hand...a smile forming he knew he had become stronger.

Dawn :  3 months and a half, before I go to the academy...ahh, time sure flies fast.

Muttering those words, he removed his clothes and went to take a shower before joining his mother for breakfast.

Over the last 3 years, Dawn had gone on multiple say he was one of the most active travelers.

He was shorter than most but still his fellow traveler had to respect him as while they were off resting, this kid was working.

But to Dawn's disappointment, he hasn't met Chloe once...she had told him that they will work together but it seems at the end she was too busy for that.

Her name as the chosen hero was growing as the day passed...and Dawn saw her fame growing everyday.

Seeing her advance, he got motivation...their reunion can wait for centuries, as long down they manage to attain pseudo immortality.

Anyway, today Dawn had a special program as he was going to see Sola in the academy...after long reflection he had chosen the same school since it was the most beneficial..

Getting ready, he was also scouting first the school ground so he won't get too lost after joining.

Snowie : (Master should stop thinking too much or he'll get late.)

Dawn : Oh sorry, bad habit.

As time passed Snowie and Dawn grew closer, they learned more of each other and could trust the other.

They also started talking more casually and had random chats whenever they were alone.

Snowie also became a sort of advisor as Dawn wasn't an omniscient being, in contrast most of his thinking and plan had a tone of weakness and neglected point...

Snowie being smarter and more experienced, she could naturally bring excellence to Dawn's mediocre talent.

Now down, Dawn said goodbye to his mother and the entire carriage for the academy.

The travel was short as they just drove through the capital before ending in front of a sort of castle-like academy.

Dawn got out of the carriage and stared up at the immense building.

Dawn : It sure is big...(They didn't give an exact number but I would guess this academy has space for around 2000 students.)

It was certainly impressive but the school back in his past lives was much more.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now