Chapter 28: Far away to another continent

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3rd Pov

A cold atmosphere covering the room, Helios closed his eyes tight as he could sense the bloodlust pouring onto him.

Right in front of him, Dawn held his sword tight...all kindness or pity left his eyes as he slashed his sword down.

But as his blade reached the neck of his victim...he felt something was wrong.

Dawn : Huh ? (This feeling...)

His eyes glowed as he activated Reader...everything was blurry as if nothing around him was real.

This was when something clicked in his mind...he has been using Story's domain for a while now yet he didn't feel exhausted from it.

When he was turned into a loli, it was merely an illusion...

Dawn : An illusion...

Helios : Pffhahaha ! So you finally noticed it !

Everything became clear, the illusion dissipated...the previously young boy Helios turned into a middle aged man...

The ground changed and Dawn found himself immobilized in stone...they surrounded his arm and body along the swinging blade.

Dawn : So I was deceived from the start, huh...(2 unique skills, huh...)

Illusion based skill...this was a major weakness to Dawn's read...because separating truth from fake is something hard to do.

It's like having a story and a fanfiction of it...after some point you start mixing up information.

Helios : For a hero, you sure aren't the smartest.

Dawn : (I can't use my skill, huh...well it seems he changed the rule of this skill allowed.)

It seems he had to use his Illusion to buy time until that rule was set...

Dawn : (This is bad...i can't feel my arms either and Read is barely taking effect...wait ! Who can I still use?)

This wasn't something he should think about now but it seemed that unique skill : Reader was somehow less affected by the dungeon's rule.

Helios : Anyway, i can't risk keeping you here longer, also what kind of monster is that Elf ?! She is literally destroyed by the final boss and isn't affected by my skill : Illusion at all !

Dawn : (Well this was to be expected from a divine ancestor, still how much of what we saw was real and fake ?)

It seemed Silvia was doing well...thought it was impossible for her to struggle at this level.

Dawn : (Wait...did he say she destroyed the boss ? Then...)

As a revelation came to him, a large magic circle glowed below him...from the symbol written and the formation of the circle in itself.

Dawn : A seal ? No a teleportation spell ?

Helios : Consider yourself lucky, I have no mana left to kill you so I'll just send you away.

Dawn : Heh, I guess you used all of it to create the new floors ?

Helios : You even saw really look like a hero now, anyway bye bye.

As he waved his hand, the circle glowed bigger, Dawn clicked his tongue...his thirst to kill this guy just increased.

Dawn : Mark these words, I'll kill for sure.

Helios : Hehe, don't act as if i'm the villain here, you were about to kill a chil-

His words were cut off as a large explosion occurred right past the room ominous aura coming from it.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now