Chapter 30: Fated disaster/Moving on

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3rd Pov

Staring at the empty space in front of him, Dawn was welcomed by the old woman whose name is Lucy.

She had taken care of Ria after his disappearance and after seeing how devastated he was, Lucy decided to let him stay for a while.

While living there, Dawn didn't have the will to hide the truth...he revealed how and where he was sent...this was hard to believe.

But Lucy is a veteran in life, she has a few years left ahead of her so believe him or not won't change much.

His explanation also showed why he was still looking so young despite reaching his 30 soon...though she didn't know that Saint or Enlightened had a longer life span.

Anyway, it has been 3 days now...Dawn had properly buried Ria in the garden as Lucy agreed to that.

His eyes were still empty as he ate the warm soup prepared by Lucy.

Lucy : By the way...when you were away, a woman came to visit Ria.

Dawn : A woman ?

Looking up, he didn't have much willpower to think at the moment...though he instinctively tried to gather information.

Lucy : Yeah...this was quite a shock as she is pretty famous.

Dawn : Who was it ?

Lucy : The new supreme monarch of Falmuth, her majesty Luna Arceid.

At the name, Dawn's eyes finally shook, gleaming in a gray light.

Dawn : (Luna ? I expected her name to pop up when Velzard talked about Falmuth...but Arceid ? Why did she take that name...)

Lucy : Seeing how you react, you must know her too...i guess i welcomed some big shot, huh.

Dawn : W-what did Luna say ?

Lucy : I couldn't hear everything but it seems it turned into an the end, Luna-sama said that she will be waiting in Falmuth.

This left much to think for Dawn, he looked at his hand holding a spoon...tightening his hold he could see his reflection in the soup.

Dawn : (Heh...when did I start to become so pathetic?)

Chuckling to himself, he couldn't hide forever, even more when he was bothering the one who took care of Ria.

Dawn : I see...thank you.

Lucy : You don't have to thank me you kn-

Dawn : This's made with medicinal herbs against depression, right.

His eyes glowing gray, Dawn just used Read on the soup...the warm feeling he felt eating this soup was comforting.

Lucy was a bit startled but she ultimately nodded.

Lucy : Ria has been singing your praises whenever she could, I guess you are really good.

Dawn : I am still 8 years late.

Lucy : Mmh that's true..from the look in your eyes you are going to Falmuth, right.

Dawn nodded once again, he slowly got up and grabbed his sword and cape before walking toward the door.

Lucy : You're already leaving ?

Dawn : I...this guilt will never leave me, i couldn't properly admit it but Ria was a part of my world...but after talking and thinking more clearly, she wouldn't want me to stay here crying over her for too long.

That time I failed as an Author and got reincarnated in TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now