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Time flies very fast. I can’t believe that its almost 5 years that I have started this story and I am very much grateful for all the love and supporting I have been receiving. Stopping or discontinuing were never my intentions. So, here I am posting the new chapter. Please don’t hate me for not updating all these months and do support the story till the end. Love you always. THANK YOU AGAIN for almost 44k reads and also the sweet and encouraging messages for all these years.

Spinning my whole body, he pressed me on the cold bare wall. My cheeks and small body could feel the damp wall while he was pinning me from behind. My tiny body was overpowered by him. Every struggles went in vain.

“Let me goooo.” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

But that meant nothing to the guy. I heard my clothes tearing up from behind. From that moment my tears were not stopping at all. I was begging and continuously pleading and pathetically asking the guy to stop what he was doing. I could feel his sharp nails piercing on to my bare back.

“I hate pretty dolls.” With that he slammed me on the wall and threw me on the floor.

I hit my head pretty badly and my nose started bleeding as well. I gasped for air after the loud thump.

Suddenly I felt my hand being pulled. My whole body was dragged onto somewhere. I could not even cry anymore. I felt some emptiness and thought that this must be the end of me.


I was almost unconscious but felt like I heard someone calling out my name. Clearing out all the tears, I could vividly see someone running towards me. Even though I could not express my happiness seeing him, with the feeling of secureness I shut my eyes.


Author’s POV

Jisoo could faintly hear some cursing words while she was still lying on the dry cold ground. Although her head was hurting a lot, she finally felt reassured. After a while her head was shifted to a firm and warm hands. Looking towards scared girl, Jimin welcomed her into his arms.

“It’s fine Jisoo-shi. It’s okay.” He hummed while caressing the back of her head.
For couple of minutes they both spoke nothing. Jisoo just cried while jimin hold her just like how a protective brother or bodyguard would do. He became her knight in shining armour, her savior, the protector.

“I guess we should move now. If somebody finds you in this state, I don’t know what will happen. Let me help you with your dress. Wear my shirt.”
He unbuttoned his shirt and handed over it to Jisoo.

After helping her standing up, he supported her till the car door. She spoke nothing till the whole ride and Jimin let her have her space. Sometimes silence is the best medicine and helps healing as well. She had gone through a lot both physically and emotionally. It might take her a good while to get over the emotional damage of that encounter.

Jimin could see her shivering fingers wiping her tears time and again. He could see the bruise and cuts around her knuckles and face as well. He was glad that he was right on time and could save her. Thinking about all the positive thought he drove away from the city. He asked nothing about the destination to Jisoo because he knew that it was the safest place where he was taking her right now.

After an hour of silent ride he stopped outside a huge entrance gate. He signaled the security guard to open the gate and drove through the same. Parking the car, he gestured Jisoo to walk out of the car and both went inside the house. Sensing the limping Jisoo, he lifted her up and carried to the bedroom which was on the 2nd floor of the house. He firmly placed her in the bed and covered her injured legs with warm cover.

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