Unexpected News

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First of all really sorry to make you all wait for more that 5 months. I got busy with my personal and official life and could hardly make time to continue the story. Hope every one is safe and been taking care of yourself.

Author's POV

At the door, revealing her little bit bounced up belly covered up by long pinkish floral gown; Maya was waiting at exactly 11:37 pm. Jisoo along with Charlie entered the house, both looking pale and bowing their head down. Locking up the main door, Maya who was followed by Jisoo, walked towards the kitchen to reheat the cooked food.

At the dinner table, sitting with the plate full of roasted chicken and fresh salad, Jisoo and Charlie both just twirled their spoon around the white ceramic well designed plate.

Their behavior obviously made Maya a little bit disturbed, but still quietly finished her food while the others were still stuck on their first bite.

"Not having your favorite dish could mean that either you both had dinner outside but observing the cold and quiet environment, I guess something must have happen? What is it?"

Maya sat in front of Jisoo with her right hand placed above Charlie's ones.

"You would feel better if you take some rest for now."

Charlie took both of their plates and put it inside the fridge.

With a long sigh Jisoo stood up.

"Good night then."



"Make sure you do not turn on your phone for at least couple of days. Unnecessary calls and texts could harm you more and also don't go through unnecessary comments under the news."

"I won't and Charlie can you do me a favor?"


"If the production company wishes not to continue work with me in future on the project because of what happened today, just agree on that. Will you? "

"But Jisoo"

"Please, the only favor. I don't want to beg for the thing I already deserve."

Maya's eyes got big hearing such things. After Jisoo locked herself inside her bedroom, Maya walked fast to grab the remote, turned on the TV and changed the channel to entertainment news.

Jisoo, an aspiring model is not single. While Jisoo was filming her 11th episode with her co-stars this afternoon; a girl who claims herself to be a fan of Jungkook shouted at the set and revealed that Jisoo was dating Jungkook for almost a year. Right then Jisoo was asked about the statement but she was silent all along. Right now both her and her manager's number is not reachable. Looking at their silence, could we assume that what came on the limelight was all true? We are still investigating on the same. To catch up on more updates keep watching us or you could follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

"What are they telling about our Jisoo?"

Charlie sat beside Maya and started to explain.

"What I feared the most happened today. You know Maya, this could destroy her career."

"Do not twist the words and come straight to the point. What happened exactly?"

"She knew this guy called Jungkook who used to be a star himself. I warned her about her closeness with him but she told me that he is just a good friend to her which I personally don't think so."

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