I owe JK a $1k

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"Chin up and look toward little bit of your right. Good." Snap

"Now stand up, hand held high and apart your lower lip about half an inch. Awesome." Snap

"And for the last show us your graceful smile. Perfect." Snap

"Good work Jisoo. Let's take a break before we head to the next location."

Pursuing a career staying away from family and hometown in a completely new place is nerve wrecking. After struggling a lot, I was finally in my first photo shoot for a magazine. It wasn't one of the popular magazines but still it was a big step in my career and also I was getting a small amount for the same as payment for my work.

Little bit nervous but too much happy seeing me progressing towards my goal. I don't have a big goal actually. I just want me to be at least someone's inspiration and make my parents proud. When someone sees me I hope that they say 'She is my inspiration and I wish I could be like her.' or may be something like 'I wish there were more people like her.' It was my dream since I found out the actual meaning of dream. A dream is not what we see in our sleep but instead a dream is the thing which does not let us sleep.

"Thank you."

After accepting a cup of coffee, I walked little bit far away just to scan the area. It seems like deserted place as even a single bird was not flying around the area. A sudden loud cheering of boys dragged my feet near a ground which turns out to be a basketball court.

"Here... Pass the ball."

"Don't let Suga get it."

"Are you scared of me? Don't underestimate yourself Jin."

"Our ace hasn't played today otherwise the score would have been exact opposite."

Watching the boys playing along with their friends made me remind my own friends back in my hometown. May be I should talk with my friends after finishing the shoot. I turned around to leave and had just taken two steps when all the coffee was poured onto my dress. Thank God the coffee wasn't that hot.

"Sorry. Are you all right? Could you pass us the ball?"

So, it was their ball which hit me, making me stumble and pour the coffee on to myself damaging my dress. Oh... the dress.

"Jimin, bring the ball. May be the girl didn't hear us."

I heard footsteps getting closer.

"Hey are you...opps? Guys?"

The guy standing in front of me called his friends while scanning me from top to bottom with worried expression.

"Guys, we ruined her white dress."

Guys it isn't just a white dress. I still had to shoot in this designer dress given by the company. I had to return it. I am dead now. The guys really seem to be worried for me.

"What are you doing here surrounded with these boys?"

My manager, Charlie who is like my older brother as well as friend showed a horrific expression when he laid eyes on me.

"Oh my god. How did this happen?"

I was about to speak but one of the guy cut my words.

"We are so sorry. We were just playing basketball and by accident the ball slipped. Maybe she spilled the drink on her dress when the ball hit her."

"What are we going to say to them? The stain is not going to come off anytime soon." I have known Charlie since one year and I have never seen him panic this before.

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