Gu Jun Pyo

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Tada... I am back with new chapter.....Today I won't waste your time saying anything senseless.........Please Enjoyyyyy

"Beauty with brains."

Ending the CF with one of the most popular actor as well as my crush made me sad as well as joyful at the same time. We were currently seated side my side monitoring the pictures and videos taken and made us both satisfied with our own work.

"I am just a newbie and you sure don't have any proof to compliment me the same."

"I know you read and the girls who read are dangerous. That's a fact."

Hearing his compliment I remembered someone, a particular person whose presence makes me feel secure, who is undeniably ace at everything and the one who calls me intelligent.


"Who is the guy that carried Maya here? I know he helped bringing Maya to the hospital; ultimately I owe him for that but what am I listening, Jisoo? The doctor said you both are married. YOU ARE HIS WIFE?"

Last night, Charlie was attending an important meeting regarding my schedule for the CF with Lee Min Ho which I was unaware of when Maya was restraining her unexpected pain on her lower abdomen back in her room.

She was rolling on the floor covering the body part where she felt the pain biting her teeth suppressing the pain. I could tell looking at her face that she was going through the pain from a while back. Feeling the sudden need of the person whom I told to stay inside my room, I called his name for help.

"She is pregnant. Be careful."

Reminding him, I grabbed the keys and phone while he carried Maya securely in his arms while getting out of the house towards the cab.

When doctor told that it was just the normal pain which the pregnant women faces (Don't know whether a pregnant woman faces such pain or not but I heard it is a bit painful when the stomach starts to stretch in early period), Charlie's eyes shifted to my direction and fired me the question regarding JK. JK just went to the washroom and in that time Charlie managed to drag me to one of the corner.

"It's complicated to explain but trust me he is a good person."

"You are not denying that you are his wife?"

"I am not his wife. It was just a lie that I told to the doctors when I brought him here when he was sick."

"How close are you with him to bring him to the hospital? Since when do you know him?"

"Since the disastrous photo shoot."

Charlie was about to tell me something but JK tapped his shoulder making him turn his head.

"Is everything alright? Is your wife okay?" He asked with concern.

End of Flashback

That's how Charlie found out about JK. In reality we were just friends but the more I think about him the more I feel that the relation we have is something else, something beautiful than the word 'friendship', something far beyond magical, something that's I am proud of and not want to hide, something that makes me smile, something pure and greater than the truth.

"Both of you did a great job and for a new comer, we all are amazed by your skill. Best of luck for your career."

The director praised and the crew members started to pack up. Everyone was busy doing their own stuffs while I was planning to visit the coffee shop after changing the dress. I had already started moving towards the changing room when Lee Min Ho called my name from behind.

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