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Didn't intend to update and post this soon but here is the new chapter and loñgest than the previous chapters. Enjoy 😘


"Wow, congratulation Charlie. I am so happy for you and your wife."

"Thank you and may be Jisoo, I won't be back until my wife feels a bit better. Are you okay with that?"

"You better be ready to get scolded by me if you leave your wife in such situation. She needs you around and I am fine here but still miss you. Take care of Maya and your future child."

"Sure Jisoo. I got to go now. Maya is calling me."

"Okay. Bye."

I felt very much happy, when I found out this evening that my manager whom I have known for last one year is becoming father. Maya has been a great and understanding wife and I didn't want to see her left alone when she is 3 months pregnant because of me. Charlie has helped me a lot in my career and his wife never had complained for not giving her enough time. They have such a good relation where both of them appreciate and respect each other. I wish God has similar plan for me too.

Thinking about Charlie's beautiful life, I calculated today's sales and headed towards locker room to change into my casual dress i.e. dark navy knee length full sleeved coral dress paired with black close shoes .

I glanced at my watch which read 10 pm exactly. Jonny was supposed to leave at 8 for his classes but seeing him cleaning the cups, I walked towards him.

"Jonny Jonny, Yes Papa. Aren't you supposed to leave at 8? No classes anymore?"

"I skipped today's classes."


"I haven't completed an assignment which I was supposed to present today."

"And why haven't you completed yet? What is it about? Is there any problem? Doesn't Lucy and Jade attend the same class with you and have they already submitted the assignment?" I was really curious as Lucy and Jade weren't at the workplace after 8.

"Yep. They have completed already. Unlucky me. My partner suddenly dropped out from the school leaving me alone to do the assignment. How am I going to do it alone?"

He face palmed and closed his eyes. I don't know why but my innersole didn't want to see him cheerless and decided to lend a hand.

"May I help you then? I mean if it's okay for you and until when will you skip your classes?"

"Really? You will." His face brightens up.

"Yep. But is your assignment too hard to do? Wait, I haven't asked you what it is about."

I offered to help but I didn't know what to do.

"To be frank, it's not that hard. I just have to watch any movie based on world war and answer some question listed by the tutor. It's just I am not into movies and thinking about watching a war movie alone itself makes me lazy. See, I am yawning right now."

"That's it. You can count on me then."

The theatre wasn't playing any war movie recently so we both decided to watch 'Hacksaw Ridge' at my place. You may think that I must be crazy to invite a boy at my place taking all the risk to watch a war movie at midnight skipping my precious beauty sleep just to help someone to complete an assignment but it's Jonny I am talking about who is a well mannered guy and also have a girlfriend. I wouldn't dare to take the risk otherwise.

On the way to my house, we entered a grocery shop to buy popcorns, chocolates, spicy chips and some non alcoholic drinks. Jonny said that it would help him stay awake through the entire movie.

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