Love at first sight

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I am late but I am back with a new chapter. Please read without cursing the writer..hehehehe

Jisoo's POV

My eyes were firmly closed, bed was absolutely warm & cozy, the warmness was desirable, the flow of wind was silent but there was humongous volcanic eruption going on inside my head. And it was all because of the peacefully sleeping half naked person lying on the bed which I was sharing with for the night.

Everything he does make me feel and act in a different way. His quick glance makes my heart skip a beat these days. The way he smiles and leaving very less gap between our bodies, makes me almost lose my mind. I myself could not understand about the bizarre sensation I am having towards JK. I know that I don't hate him. I was just angry about his sudden change in behavior towards his friends but I really do not hate him. Not even close to the word hate. But was he right; that it was opposite of hate? Do I lov...?

Aish, my mother used to tell me that midnight's thinking can make people go crazy. I need to calm down my own brain and sleep.

Pulling over the blanket over my head, I tried sleeping.

Usually I wake up even though I get disturbed by a small sound but since I slept late last night, I could hardly open half of my eyelids even though the volume of TV was too loud.

"Charlie, can you turn down the volume?"

Even after 5 minutes past of my plea, there wasn't any change in the volume.

"Because of the stupid thoughts about JK, I could not sleep at time yesterday. Can you spare me for an hour at least?"


"Can you turn off the TV?"

I sounded lazy and I could barely have a proper conversation with my sleepy mind.

"You thought about me?"

"Not you Charlie, it was JK. Let me sleep."

It was already quiet for a moment but it didn't last long.

"I would have, without any doubt but what were the thoughts about?"

"Ahhh.... Charlie, go and talk with your wife. Last night it was JK and now it's you."

I pulled the blanket covering my head and pressed ear with my arm trying to keep out Charlie's disturbing words.

"Jisoo baby, you are not at your house. The bed you are sleeping at is not yours and remember who you shared with it? If last night it was JK then right now it's the same JK. Just open your eyes."

It really was JK, twitching his eyebrows, looking at me as if he has just caught a baby who ate all the hidden chocolates and his pupils were bigger almost equal to iris part. It was impossible for me to go back to sleep after realizing that JK was the one who I was talking to, thinking it was my manager.

What should I do now? Act as if I spoke nothing about thinking about him last night. No that would make me look dumb. May be telling him that I have habit of talking on my sleep. Oh God, such a dumber reason. Then what about avoiding him? I think that would help.

Abruptly getting of the bed, I took some clothes from my suitcase and headed towards bathroom which surprisingly took me 10 second to do all those things.

'Good job, Jisoo.' I thanked myself inside my head.

After finishing all morning routine, I walked outside of the bathroom rubbing my wet hair with a white towel wearing oversized blue t-shirt paired with black skinny jeans.

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