The Truth Untold

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September 24, 2019

Hello, from your lazy author. 

Jisoo's POV

Distracted by the speedy flashy noise to my ears, I completely forgot that I was just on my sports bra. The unbearable heat completely got over my head and I could not even bear the thin fabric too. While taking off the slim sleeveless vest, I did plan that I would wear the same before JK would see me but unfortunately I forgot. The time the clothes I was wearing got noticed by him, he avoided looking at me.

"You didn't get it, right? Too naïve."

With the help of his chest nut colored hair, he covered his eyes and faced towards the way where he came from.

Cute & a true Gentleman

With the same thought about the person sitting beside me, I wore back my clothes eyeing his softly bitten lips.

"Before someone tells you some other untrue, vague or I would rather call it a lie about me, I want you to hear out from my own mouth. The unheard truth."

Becoming nervous after his sudden confession about his history, I faced towards the ground avoiding his gaze. May be he thought it was right time to talk about it as his friends might take a little bit longer to arrive.

"Since you are a celebrity now, I will assume that you have surely heard little bit about my past life but I don't know how much truth you have heard or how much you have accepted those things. And also the things I am about to tell you about me, I am not sure how much you are gonna believe it."

It was better for me to not interrupt him, so I just folded my fingers.

"I never thought of becoming a celebrity at first but when I saw G Dragon performing on stage for the first time, I wanted to be a part of that limelight too. How he looked cool and inspired a lot of youths, I wanted to follow the same path and become someone's idol too. Then began the days of my struggling phase. Vocal lessons, hard core dance practice, lots and lots of sleepless nights for one dream but I never thought of falling back. I kept on giving the best I had."

His voice has the heaviness on it that I could sense that it was solely truth and nothing more or less.

"And the day came when I passed on the first audition I gave but the growth didn't stop there. The struggle, energy, commitment towards my goal doubled. The more I walked towards my dream the more I worked hard. Every night before I go to bed, I could see myself standing at the stage getting blessings from thousands of fans. That feeling could still give me goose bumps and that made me still go on. When my first song released, I was overwhelmed with not just awards but also more responsibility. I finally got to share same stage with my idol. It was one of the best days of my life. I achieved something, didn't I?"

Showing off his bunny teeth with a raised eye brow, he looked so proud of himself. Grinning a bit, he looked towards the clear sky above us.

"Everything was good, each moment were memorable. I was earning fame, numerous fans and as a bonus; money. Everything was 'win or win' for me. I could not even remember taking a day off from my work. Photo shoots, interviews, taking part in different variety programs, attending tours, MV shooting, composing music, collaborations, branded clothes, magazines cover, big billboard sign, making someone day by just posting a selfie, meeting peoples and learning new things every day. I was too much focused on my own dreams that I didn't care or wonder some little things that were happening around me."

He stopped moving his lips and closed his eyes.

"Behind my back, lots of bad things were happening on the company I was signed with. Almost after more likely one and a half year of being surrounded by fame, I got to know through one of the new trainee that there was something horrible trend being followed inside the company. Later I got to know that it was all true. Trainees were being bullied and made to practice continuously for long hours. I saw some bruises on some of their legs and some even collapsed while practicing. Dreaming big is everyone's right but using that dream to humiliate someone is a crime."

Speaking as if he was defeated, he continued.

"I talked to the CEO, the founder but they all denied the things I saw. When I urged those exploited dreamers to speak for their self & their human rights, I was smoothly turned down by all of them. Every one said they wanted to be like me and said it was fine for them, I felt unpleasant. That sentence haunted me every night. My hard workship didn't turn out to be right for them and on top of it they were alright with it. Them bearing the pain, made me weak. I was not fine with it. It feels like all the time, there was a shackle around my neck made up of gold. I could not continue working for the shitty company which has forgotten about the simple meaning of human rights which are just after money. I was even ready to bear the penalties I had to pay for the terminating the contract I signed but I forgot that I was just a money making machine for them. The company sensed something fishy and before I could do something to help, false rumor were spread about me. They were after my reputation. Some reporters were bought and then it all started."

Scrolling down the articles saved in the gallery on his phone, he explained further.

"The false earned far more than the truth & I had no room left to speak for myself so I just kept my mouth shut. Because of being a degrading artist, I could not even say what was right and what was wrong. Just because of some untruthful article printed with deadliest headline with a shirtless picture of mine, my life turned from hundred to zero in between a month. I was helpless, torn down. I wanted peace but they took my pride."

The man to whom I wanted to call a hot headed jerk last night had a portion of tears on his eyes.

"But you know what, as I cannot go into the past and change it; I have forgotten that already. I lived my dream fully and that cannot be changed. I am gifted with not just one but six dearest friends and also a crazy but perfect fake girlfriend who doesn't even know that her heart already belongs to a fine-looking guy like me."

Nudging my shoulder with his ones, he tried to hype up the mood.

"That's the untold truth of mine. Usually I don't speak about my past with anyone and very less people know about the same."

Placing one of my hands on his shoulder, I gave a sign that I believe in every words he spoke.

"Can I ask you something?"

Tucking the hair behind my ear, I wonder what would be his answer after hearing my question.

"You don't have to take permission."

"Why do you still have those articles saved on your phone?"

Before he answered it, he got up and walked towards his bike.

"It reminds me who I really am & what I went through which makes me even more stronger. You know what, when life brings you mountains, you don't waste your time asking why; you spend your time climbing over them. And I am definitely over it. I enjoy the normal life I have."

Putting on the helmet and the ray-ban back, he pressed the start button.

"What's normal?"

He stopped the bike right beside me.

"I mean being away from the limelight. I am not a star figure anymore."

"What do you mean? Hearing all that, I have undeniably become your fan."

"Are you trying to impress me?"

I found it cute when he tilted his head with pouty lips; forming numerous creases between his brows.

"Why sugarcoat the words when I can easily impress you with my face?"

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