Chapter 1: How It's Starting

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A hotel stood in the center of town. Rumors were spread around that monsters lived there, and would kill you right away if you step in their living space. There isn't just 1 monster, there are multiple monsters. If you escape that monster, another one comes to get you. Nobody has ever returned back. Nobody won't even get close to the hotel. 

The parking lots are empty all the time. The janitor was murdered in there, at 3 am. That's also why 3 is an unlucky number. The 3rd guest died at door 13, another unlucky number. 

No matter how much you pray that you don't die, you still manage to die. Here's what the monsters would say:

"You can run, but you can't hide. You can't escape from us. We're over-powered with our team. We will always get you. There are monsters everywhere, in every corner, even behind you. We can find you. We may have disabilities, but we will always get you. We eat your flesh. We drink your blood...

We end your life..."


Seek POV:

I love the joy of chasing humans. I was once a human before. (Of course <3). The sound of the rain banging on the windows, the sound of thunder outside, the lightning flashing in my eyes, and the best sound of all, hearing the humans scream. It was music to my ears. It wasn't catchy music, but I liked it in a certain way.

 I tore apart the first human's head, leaving 2 things. I was disgusted just by thinking of them. I ran as fast as I could. I wanted to become THE FLASH. Wow. A human ran into the fire, and not going to the door. They're so dumb. Or maybe they just wanted to end their life and quit trying to run away from me, since I AM scary after all! I'm just a cyclops with 1 eye. If Figure could see, I bet he would think that I'm cute to him. 

The last one was near the door to escape from me, but they just stood there not opening it. Now it's easier to get them. I smirked, getting ready. I clenched my fists, and telling my mind, "Run faster!" But then, they pulled out something, like a cross. 

I put my right foot in front of my left foot, but something stopped me in my tracks.

 There was something under me, glowing blue. There was a circle around me, a star and a moon in the middle. Chains wrapped around my legs, arms and my neck. What is this?! I tried breaking free, but it wouldn't come off. I pulled my arms and tried to run with my legs, then I noticed that it became weaker. It glowed from blue to red, and broke off. 

I fell on my knees. I looked at my palms, seeing nothing wrong. I looked up at the door, which was already closed. I let them get away again. I clenched my fists tighter, claws digging in my ink. Usually, ink would drip, but it let out blood. I dug my claws in too hard.

I sunk into my void, which was big, inky puddle, and I thought of something. Figure and I have been friends for a long time, but what is that weird feeling I get when I'm next to him? Like, it feels like I'm always nervous around him. I feel like I can't mess up with him around me. I feel all warm inside. I don't feel like that with the other entities! I felt a slight blush on my cheek, and brushed it off. 

Figure POV:

I heard footsteps coming closer, and an unfamiliar heartbeat. A HUMAN. I put my book back on the bookshelf, went behind the bookshelf I always stay at when a human comes, and try my best to look scary. 

When I heard the doors open, I came running like I'm a psycho who was drunk then got mad, and I went to the left side of the library. I ran ninja style there. I followed my same walk-cycle, because it always helps. I went upstairs, and checked the side in front of me, trying to hear anything strange. 


Nobody was in the closet.

I heard someone running downstairs next to the statue. 

Are they really that stupid to run when I can hear them? Maybe they don't know that I can hear good, especially if they are new to the hotel. 

I remembered something Seek told me, that he heard about in the town. 

"We end your life..." It kept repeating in my head. 

It encouraged me to find the human, or multiple humans. I heard some noise from the right side of the library. 


As I stalked my prey, they were flipping pages. I drooled a little. I couldn't help it. Humans are tasty. 

But not as tasty as Seek. (😳). 

The human stopped and looked up terrified. He screamed. It was ear-piercing, but I didn't mind. I grabbed him on the neck, and he was trying to get out of my grasp desperately. He held my arms, squeezing them. 

I ripped the arm off, but they were still breathing. They were also screaming a bit.  

"J-just kill me already!" 

Blood dripped from their ripped off body part. 

"Not yet, my dear. I'll going to make sure you SUFFER after what you are trying to do to my library." I felt a bit guilty calling him dear.

I ripped the other arm off, and blood dripped everywhere. They were moaning with pain. I thought of when I was fucking Seek.

"LIKE I SAID!" they cried. 

"Just... kill me." 

I stopped doing what I was doing, and carried them with me. I banged their head against the wall hardly, and their heartbeats started to get slower. I heard breathing. Usually when I do that with humans, they moan like a mess, but he wasn't moaning.

That meant he fainted due to the pain. He must still be a kid like 12 or 13 years old.

 I decided to just kill them, since they were half-dead already. 

Now HOW am I going to clean all this blood?? It's splattered all over the rug...

Screech POV, at the hang-out room

"Look at that little baby!" Ambush said in a baby tone.

 "Stop!" I said, flowing down tears. 

"STWOP." Rush mocked.

 They both burst out laughing. 

"What are you going to do about that?!" 

"Tell Seek? Your dad? He's not going to help you! " 

They burst out laughing again. 

"OH, SEEK!!!!" I screeched. Soon, Seek came in, and his eye widened a bit. I then seemed like he was tired. 

 He wasn't mad or anything. He left the room and went to the library. TRAITOR...MY OWN DAD BETRAYED ME SO I CAN SUFFER FROM RUSH AND AMBUSH...I NEED TO TEACH HIM...

Just kidding! He's my best dad ever! (He's my first and only dad XD)

Seek POV:

Why are they always teasing Screech? I mean, like, it's fun but sometimes it really is annoying, especially when it was the middle of the night last week. Screech shouted, which caused me to wake up.

 When I reached door 50, I opened the doors and saw Figure sleeping peacefully on the couch. So I cuddled with him, and also drifted off. Chasing can get you worn out. I soon fell into my slumber.

PHEW!!!! Finally, I finished re-typing the first chapter! It's...DAMN, 1,245 words?!! Well, have a great day/night! 

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