Chapter 7: Alone

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I am leaving this hotel. I can't take it anymore. And I just can't believe I lied to Screech. I feel guilty, and ashamed of myself. I'll be in big trouble, and he'll beat me up. Wait. he can't! I'm his father! How am I gonna leave this place? It's rotten here and I can't go back to the outside world. People will hunt me down more, since I am being hunt down enough already! I have a plan! I went to door 100 quietly, while everyone was sleeping. I just hope nobody sees me. I pulled the bookshelf, went into my hallway and pulled it back. I saw my long, beautiful hallway. I can't lose this! I can't lose Screech, my hallway and everybody else! Except Figure... I hate saying his name. "Good bye, hallway." I cried. "I'm gonna miss you." I patted the floor and kissed it. I reached the elevator, and I noticed I needed to turn the power on. To do that, I needed to find the batteries. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9. One more. I checked everywhere, but couldn't find it. Wait. Oh. It's in front of me. I put in the batteries and did the code things. Once I heard a 'ding', I knew it was ready. I walked to the elevator and waited for it to bring me down to floor 2. Music dtarted playing. It was pretty sad, like I am. I sat there, alone. I wish I had somebody. But I can't. A single tear fell down, and dropped on the floor. It's so quiet and lonely. I reached floor 2, and the doors opened. 

Figure POV:

I was quietly taking a nap, but I kept dreaming of Seek. It caused me to wake up in the middle of the night, and in the morning when I woke up, I wasn't on my bed. I was chained on the wall, and I heard a heartbeat. My girl-friend's heartbeat. "W-what's happening?!" I cried. "You're going to die." she said. I heard a 'shing' sound, and I knew what that meant. She pulled out the knife. "Bu-But I trusted you!" I shouted. "You should've NOT have." she said. I growled. TRAITOR. "YOU'RE A BITCH, YOU SHOULDN'T DESERVE TO BE HERE! THIS IS MY FUCKING ROOM, AND I ORDER YOU TO LEAVE. I TRUSTED YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING SHIT! SON OF A BITCH!" I cried. I shouted a lot of cuss words. My girl-friend's heartbeat began to beat faster, and she mumbled something. I couldn't understand because it wasn't English. "あなたが嫌い​​で." I wish Seek was here. He would never do this to me. And I just cheated on him. Am I that much of a bitch? Maybe he doesn't want to be best friends with me anymore. maybe he doesn't love me anymore. I know he hates me, I just know it. I need to go apologise.

Seek POV:

I miss everyone. I also miss Screech. I can't go back. I'm stuck here, and the elevator doesn't go up. I have nowhere to go. I have to stay here. I hope I won't regret this. Just then, when I was walking around the place, an entity with a disturbingly huge mouth with a blue aura around him encountered me. "'re not a player?" he asked. "Of course, I'm not!" I said. I'm not like a human. "Where do you belong?" asked the entity. "I'm Seek, and I belong at floor 1." I said. "Oh. I'm Depth." he said. "So, what do you do around here?" I asked. "Kill." Depth said. "Oh, would you like to see our hang-out place?" "Sure." I said. So we headed there. Maybe it WILL be nice around here. 

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