Chapter 5: The Confession

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They chose a movie, chose their seats and waited until 17:30. (5:30)

The entities don't know how to tell the time.

But while the movie at 18:00 (6:00), it got a bit boring, because it froze and everyone had to leave while they fix the projector. Seek sighed. Figure blushed around Seek. Seek looked on the floor.

 After that, Seek and Figure started at each other.  Things were REALLY, REALLY embarrassing. Seek put his arms on the chair, and he touched Figure's hand!!! 

"I want to confess to, right now...but...isn't this a bad time, where there are others all around us? We don't want to get teased...but...AAGHH!!! If I confess, how should I confess? I want it to sound real!! I want it to be romantic!! I don't want it to be too awkward!! How about if Figure confesses to me for real?!! What should I say to him?! What happens if I flirt in front of him?! What if...he doesn't love me?!" Seek thought.


Seek quickly pulled out his hand. It felt good to touch him. Seek held Figure's cheek with both hands. 

"I'm ready for this."

"Wh-what de fwuck, Sweek?" Figure mumbled. 

Seek pulled his lips on Figure's, so that they touched each other. 

"I love you so much... " Seek whispered. 

"Me too...?"

They held the kiss for a while. Seek bit Figure's lip, asking for an entrance. "A-Ah~" Figure moaned. He opened his mouth. Seek slipped his tongue in there. He felt Figure's sharp teeth, poking his tongue. 

"Wanna go home? This movie is giving me nightmares." Seek shuddered. "If you want to go, then I want to go, too." Figure replied.

 So they went back home, and everyone was playing UNO AGAIN!!!!

"Wanna do the thing?" 


By the way of Seek's heartbeat, he knew. 

"Oh no..." 

 "Come on!" 

 "I don't know if I'm ready yet..." Figure gulped.

 "Okay, then later." Seek said. Figure sighed with relief, as Seek walked to his bedroom. "Can we go to the courtyard?" he asked. "I have a surprise." 

Figure nodded. 

"Where you 2 love-birds going now?" Hide asked as he placed down a card. Hide loved to talk to Seek. Seek was like Hide's older brother. He can even remember the day when Seek found Hide.

It was a dark and stormy night, as Hide was hiding in an ally, under some boxes. Lightning struck his box, and he got electrified. "AGHHHH!!!!!" he screamed in pain. Something then showed up. It had a dirty, white jacket with some blood splattered on it. They had dark, black hair that was messy. They had a very creepy smile. They were holding a really, sharp knife.

Hide looked at it. He gulped. 

"GO TO SLEEP." the murderer said. He got ready to stab Hide, then Hide sprinted away from him. "GO TO SLEEP." they said behind him. 

"I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP!!!" Hide cried. He let out some tears. He continued running, then something grabbed him by the neck. It was the murderer. 

"LET ME GO!!" Hide shouted. The murderer bought Hide's face close to his. "AHH!" Hide shouted. "My name's Jeff. Jeff the Killer." the murderer whispered in Hide's ear. 

You're My Sunshine - ♥ Seek x Figure ♥ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now