Chapter 8: New Friends?

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When we got inside, it was quiet. "Not much entities are in floor 2." Depth said. "There's Silence, Greed and me!" I noticed it WAS really quiet, only 3 entities. 3 entities are a little, and this is nothing compared to the other entities! "Make yourself at home!" he said. He closed the door, and I just stood there. It felt awkward, and I was SO nervous. "Uh...hello!" I tried to say. "Hello." Silence said. Soon there was silence. No sounds heard. Only the sound of flipping pages. "GREED PUT DOWN YOUR FUCKING BOOK AND COME GREET THIS NEW ENTITY WHO FOUND THIS DUMB  PLACE." Silence shouted. "OKAY!" Greed shouted. "DON'T NEED TO YELL AT ME, BECAUSE YOU HAVE ANGER ISSUES. HI." he said. "It's nice to see a new entity around here after a few years." "Oh. Uh...thanks?" I said. "I want to get some rest, where do I go?" "You can go in the guest room." Silence told me. I walked to the guest room, without saying 'thank you'. I wasn't in the mood after what had happened. The door was old, and it creaked. They need to oil it someday. The room looks a lot like at the hotel. My PAST home. Now this is my new home, where I now belong. But I miss the place sometimes. Screech must be wondering where I am. EVERYBODY must be wondering where I am. Figure must NOT be wondering where I am. I know he hates me. I couldn't help but cry. (Boy, Seek has been crying a lot lately.) I thought of Figure. I bet he loves someone else more than me. I just know he hates me now. I dug my face deep inside my pillow. I let out a loud scream. The scream I used to chase people. I heard someone drop a plate, and someone fall off a chair.  "Seek? Are you okay?!" Depth rushed inside the room. "Yeah." I said. "Tell me, is anything bothering you?" he asked. "Nothing!" I said. "Just tell me, I'll help you." he said. I stayed silent for a minute, then I told him the whole story. "That's sad." Depth said. "Well, don't worry, Seek. Your secrets are safe with me. Also, do you want pie or cake for desert?" I chuckled a little. He's actually a little funny. "Thank you, Depth." I said. "No problem!" he said. "Let's go outside, we've been in this room for hours!" He hopped off the bed, and so did I. When we went out, Silence and Greed were enjoying their dinner. Greed was chewing loudly. "Why do you chew so fucking loud, bro?" Silence asked. "Leave that little guy alone!" Depth told Silence. Greed stopped chewing, and he back away. "What are you going to do about that?!" Silence said. "Beat your ass up!" Depth said. "Calm your beans, bro!" Greed said. "WHO?!" Silence asked loudly. "BOTH OF YOU!" Greed shouted. So Depth grabbed 2 bowls of soup. I sat at the table next to Depth. "Guys, this little dude is part of our place now, so let's be respectful." Depth explained. "Okay." they said. I am starting to think that Depth and I are becoming friends. He's always welcome and caring. Like Figure. But after he cheated on me, I feel like I hate him a lot. Thinking about him just maked me wanna cry. Maybe I'll stay here. After all, there ARE entities that are nice to me.

(Is Seek gonna go back or stay?)

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