Chapter 6: Heartbroken

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Warning: There will be self harm in this chapter!

"F-Figure??" Seek asked. A tear fell, and Figure was silent. "Seek, it's not what it looks like-" "I-I thought..." Seek started. He was crying really hard. "You loved me...I loved you..." Seek was crying a tremendous amount of tears. "I HATE YOU!!" He ran away sobbing uncontrollably. "Whoa. What just happened?" Halt asked. Figure was just standing there, then he closed the door. He felt guilty. "What was THAT?!" Figure's girl-friend asked. "Nothing." Figure replied. 

Seek POV:

I can't believe this! I loved him...he loved me...AND NOW HE LOVES ANOTHER ONE?! I cried the whole night. I made my decision. I'm leaving this place. My life has been terrible here. I turned into this freak. I grabbed my bag and packed my stuff. I hated the sight of Figure's door. I wanted to kick it down. I closed my door and locked it. It was midnight, at 12:30 pm and everyone was sleeping. Wait...I don't need to pack! If my life is miserable and just keeps getting worse, I would have to suffer. I NEED to suffer. So I banged my head on the wall multiple times. Blood dripped on the floor, and that was nice to watch. Soon, there was a knock on the door. I can't let anyone see me like this. Blood dripping from my head, and I was crying. "Dad?" Screech asked. "Coming!" I said. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face. How am I gonna hide the blood that is on the floor? I grabbed one of my shirts and laid it on the blood, trying to hide it. I laid multiple shirts. I opened the door. "Dad, are you okay?" he asked. He came straight to my bedroom, turned on the lamp nd sat on the bed. "I-I'm fine..." I said. I also went to sit next to him. My eye is trying to get used to the brightness. Sometimes, I wish I were blind. There was silence. "I know there's something wrong, dad. Don't keep secrets away from me, tell me." Screech tried comforting me. He was right. I can't keep secrets away from him, he's my son. "So..." I started. "Figure was in his bedroom making it out with somebody else. I thought he loved me, but yeah. Now I think that everything he said was false. I loved him a lot, and seeing him with somebody else makes me feel..." "Jealous?" Screech asked. "Yeah." I said. A tear was falling down. I burst into tears, sobbing loudly. "Shh, calm down." Screech said. "I've had enough of this...I'm moving." I said, hoping it wouldn't affect Screech. "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" he cried. "You're my dad! I can't lose you!" "But. I have to. I've been living a miserable life here. I want to enjoy my life." I said. I heard some sobbing noises, and it was coming from Screech. He was hugging his teddy bear. "Look, I'm sorry but there's a feeling telling me inside to leave this place." I said. "Then if you're leaving, take me with you." Screech said. "Fine. I'm not gonna leave." I told him. Screech smiled, then went to his room. He wiped his tears. "Daddy's staying here, Teddy!" I can't believe what I did. 


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