Chapter 27: Exploring the Hotel I

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This is dedicated to everybody! UwU

He put his arms on my shoulder. "Tell me, Seek. Don't keep secrets away from me." Figure asked. "It's nothing." I said. I felt worried. What if I hurt his feelings? "Seek. I care for you. I want to help you any way I can." Figure said. "But what if it causes a problem that hurt us, and-" I said. Figure interrupted me. "Just tell me." It was silent. "But can I ask you something first?" I asked. "Of course." Figure said. "Am I...Am I a dumb ass?" I asked. "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU AREN'T!" Figure shouted. It shook the entire room. The entities cam out of their rooms again. "Oops. Sorry again." Figure blushed. They went back in their rooms. "YOU AREN'T!" Figure whispered. "Seek. You're the most beautiful entity in the world. I don't care if I can't see you. I don't want you to be sad." "But Glitch used a lot of cuss words on me..." I said. "Seek. Didn't you hear what I said. You're the best boy-friend, and I want you happy. If you love me, I love you, too." He pulled me into a hug. I wiped one of my tears. I hugged him back. "Thank you a lot, Figure." Seek said. It was 9:00. I forgot what day it is. Ambush looked sleepy. Rush was his old, usual self. Hide went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. Jack talked with Halt. Glitch and Revive were still in the bedroom. Guiding Light took a break with Revive's room. "Sup' yall?" Guiding Light asked. "We're fine, dawg." Figure said. "Alright. Let me know if you need anything." she said. "Alright." I said. She is nice without Glitch. "Wanna explore the hotel?" I asked. "Sure." Figure replied. We started from door 0. "It's pretty normal around here. There's a place where people crouch through to get the keys behind the desk. On the desk, there's paper, and a bell." I explained. Figure rang it. then, it broke into half. "Oopsies." Figure said. "It's okay!" I said. "The bell will cause nothing!" "It caused me to feel guilty." Figure joked. "Ha. Ha." I faked to laugh. We continued to explore. "Room 2 is kind of empty, only with paintings on the walls and drawers." I said. "And some rooms have a fireplace, a table with chairs in the middle, a few drawers and paintings placed in the wrong places. You put the paintings back in their right place, then the fireplaces opens up and shows the way to continue." I explained. "Cool." Figure said. "And some rooms are locked, and you have to search for the key." I said. "Ok." Figure said. "And Dupe is in one of these doors..." I said. "Dupe?" he asked. "Dupe is another entity in floor 1." I explained. "Oh." Figure said. I went to door 34, and hands reached out. Before he could grab me, I backed away. "Seek?" he asked. "Duh." I said. I laughed. "Who's this? Ooh, is he your boy-friend? So you mean you're gay now?" he asked. "Of course not. I'm taking him to explore for a bit." I said. "Ok. You know I'm joking. Bye, Seek." Dupe said as he closed the door. I put the sign back in place. "Thanks!" I could hear him shout from behind. "Let's continue our walk, love." Figure said. I blushed hardly. He put out his hand. So I placed mine in his, hand in hand, and we continued our walk. 

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