Chapter 20: Regrets

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I regret coming here. I regret planning to have a talk with Glitch. I EVEN REGRET LIVING! I'll never be happy now. I'm hurt, and I lost Seek. I'm hurt in both ways. I burned myself physically and Glitch hurt me emotionally. I can't help it, I'm done with this! I regret everything! I sat sat down and cried. It helps a little when you cry, but it sometimes still hurts. I got up and wiped my tears. I headed back inside. I went to my room. I settled with my favorite book. But it reminded me of Seek. It was a romance story, and I just read it when I was feeling better. I regret reading that book. I still had the bouquet of flowers Seek gave me. I had put them in a vase. Even though I couldn't see them, they ALSO reminded me of Seek. Seek and I had a good time when he was alive. Now he's gone. I opened Seek's bedroom door. There he was, on the bed with no soul. I sat next to him. "I miss you..." I whispered. I let out a tear. I have to stop crying. My face is really red. He's so soft. Soft as a feather. I went to my room and grabbed a flower from the bouquet. I placed it on him. I gave him a slight kiss on the forehead, and exited his room. I'm going to go to floor 2. Maybe the entities there will cheer me up. So I headed there. I hope I won't regret going there. Soon, I was there. My head had some bruises because when I bumped my head on the door. I hopped down. I went right through the giant hole I created. I went to the hang-out room. "Figure! You're back!" Silence greeted. He noticed I was sad. 'What's wrong?" "Well..." I started. I told him the whole story, and how it was my fault. "Don't be sad, Figure! We're here for you. We'll help you get Seek back." "But Seek's already gone. He was never alive since yesterday." I said. I started to cry a bit. "Aw, it's okay! Life isn't perfect!" Silence patted my back. I sniffled. "Promise me. We'll do our best to get Seek back, even if it isn't possible." Silence said. he put out his pinky. "And we won't regret this." I pinky-promised him, and he smiled. 

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