Chapter 4: Romeo and Juliet

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Third Person POV:

Soon, at 3:00, the entities were playing an intense round of UNO. They did stack mode, and Screech had 20 cards. He looked really serious. He was sweating.

"Screech never wins." Ambush teased. He started to wheeze his ass off. 

 "Why ya like to tease Screech?" Hide asked. He looked at Ambush with one eyebrow up. 

"Shut up, Hide. Nobody asked you to try to pick a fight."

 "Oh, yea?!" 

 He stood up and threw his cards on the table. 



"I'M NOT SHY!!" 


"I don't like where this is heading..." Figure said. So he got up, and walked out of the room. He put his cards under the stack. "W-wait for me!" Seek waved his hand in the air. He threw his cards on the table.

 They pulled the closet, walked out of the hole and pulled the closet back in its place. They were in Seek's hallway. The long, boring hallway. Everything was a bit awkward, with all the silence, and just the 2 of them. 

"Want to go to the library?" 


 So they walked to the library. 

Of course, it took long to get there because Seek didn't know how to open doors, and Figure was blind, so they all had weaknesses. Weaknesses that could stop them from their job.

"Here's how you open a door." Figure said once he found the doorknob. He grabbed Seek's hand and put it on the doorknob gently. He gently turned his hand to twist the doorknob down. He pushed, and the door opened. 

"Oh!" Seek blushed. "T-th-thanks!"

Seek tried opening the other door. He tried the method, and it worked!! "Aren't I the smartest?" Figure smirked. 

"Ha ha, shut up!" Seek laughed.

As they were continuing to open the doors, Seek and Figure were just talking. 

"I finished cooking breakfast. The pan was burning hot because I fried the eggs for a long time. I put it in the sink, waiting for it to cool down. Screech just then came. He was just about 3 years old! I was like, 'SCREECH!!! NO!!!!' Then he touched the pan! He fell on the floor, and started crying. I looked at his hand and it was burnt!!! I washed his hand with cold water, and put some cream that wouldn't make his hand dry." Seek laughed.

"That's a funny story! I wish I were there!" Figure giggled. 

They then arrived at door 49. 

"We're here, Figure!" Seek opened door 50 and the library appeared. It was still clean, but also a bit messy. 

Figure grabbed a book, while Seek sat down at the couch. 

"Wanna read Romeo and Juliet?" 

 "What's that?" 

 "A romance story." 

 "Oh. Okay." 

Figure walked over to him. 

"Is the story good?" 


 He sat on the carpet, with Seek in his laps.

"He's so warm..." Figure thought.

"He's so soft..." Seek blushed. 

 "Once there were 2 humans, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo's family hated Juliet's family, while Juliet's family hated Romeo's family. Romeo was in love with Juliet, and he asked to marry her. Juliet's nurse helped both of them to get married the next day. But then there was a street fight, and when he tried to help stop it, it lead to the death of Juliet's cousin. Then, he gets banished. Juliet was desperate to get back with Romeo, and she fakes her own death. Romeo believes that she is dead, so he kills himself. When Juliet woke up again, she found Romeo dead, which causes her to kill herself, causing the fights with the family to end." 

When Figure noticed something on his thighs, he noticed Seek was napping, because his heartbeat was calm and steady. So Figure put the book away and also took a nap with Seek. 

Seek POV:

There's a street fight with Figure's cousin. I ran to save them.  But then I hurt Figure's cousin. He was laying on the floor. Blood everywhere. An eye missing. A cut leg. A scrape on his head. And a stick in his other eye. Did I...KILL him? 

I ran away for what I did. Everyone looked at me, whispering to each other, pointing to me. "TRAITOR!!!" they cried. "BITCH!!!" 

 I cried even more when they talked about me. I knew Figure would hate me, I just know it. I had to go apologize. but, I was scared. I can't be scared...I'm strong, not weak and pathetic. I?

I got up, and wiped my tears. 

When I came back, I heard others talk about Figure looking for me, and then she died. I felt panic boil up inside me. I ran to look for her, until I found her laying on the floor. 

Was she dead?

I grabbed me sword and stabbed myself deeply where my heart would be. Darkness started to surround me. I saw something in front of me before total darkness. It was blurry. 

"F-fi-figure...?" I mumbled before my end. It was too late. The darkness swallowed me up already. I could hear a little bit. My eye were too tired to be opened.

There was a sobbing sound. then there was a thump. I felt a liquid on my arm. Must be our blood. Figure and my blood. We must be dead.

Nothing was heard. Nothing was seen. Nothing was felt.

Everything was over.

"Seek?! Are you okay? Seek?!" I heard a voice ask me. I'm confused. I'm dead. I opened my eye. Figure was calling me. 

"Figure? I thought you died..." 

 "What? Anyways, your heart was beating very fast, and you kept moving around in your sleep."

 "Oh. I just had a nightmare." 

 "Oh. Okay." 

 We just sat there on the couch. It was kind of awkward. Again. I looked at him. He's cute... "Remember?" Figure asked.


"We're going to the movies." 


 We put on our jackets, went outside and got inside the car. 

We were heading to the cinemas. 


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