Chapter 30: Chaos

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When they got back, they found Hide in a corner, crying. "What's wrong, Hide?" Seek came over and asked. "J-Jack..." he shuttered. "What about him?" Figure asked. "Re-Rev-Revive...h-hu-hurt h-h-him." Hide shuttered. "Traitor!" Seek cried out. He looked all over the room for Revive. He saw her with Jack tied up. "YOU." Hide said. He became furious. "I HATE YOU, REVIVE! YOU'RE A STUPID BITCH AND SHOULDN'T DESERVE TO LIVE! GLITCH HAD A BAD HEART AND NOW YOU DO!" Hide punched her furiously. "GO AWAY FROM THIS PLACE, AND GO BACK TO HELL, WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BELONG!" "Hide!" Seek cried. Revive was puking blood, and she was full of bruises. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!I HATE YOU!I HATE YOU!I HATE YOU!" Hide cried. "HIDE!" Seek shouted. "THIS IS GOING TOO FAR!" "BITCH, YOU'RE A FUCKING SHIT AND SHOULD BE DEAD ALREADY! YOU'RE A TRAITOR! YOU REVIVED SEEK AND NOW YOU'RE KILLING JACK! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SO ✨INNOCENT!✨YOU WERE MY FRIEND, AND YOU DID THIS TO ME?! TRAITOR!" Hide said. Revive was now blacked out. "HIDE!"  Seek shouted. Soon, Hide stopped. He saw Revive, almost dead. She was bloody. "Wh-what have I done?" he muttered. He burst into tears and ran to Jack. Seek looked at Revive, blacked out. He then looked at Hide, who was sobbing. Seek buried his face deep in Figure's chest. Seek couldn't help it. Things were better, then it just gets worst. "Now, now." Figure patted Seek's head. Then, Glitch came once again. "Revive..." he said. He started to sob. "I-I love you..." Revive said weakly. She reached her hand out for Glitch. Glitch pulled her into a kiss, despite the blood on her lips. Revive's hand fell on the chest, as she started to get into her deep sleep. Glitch was sobbing. He held her close to his chest. (Sounds kinda like CHREST) It was sad. Seeing Hide next to Jack, with Jack almost dead. Even seeing Glitch sobbing about Revive. It was the worst incident, that can cause other problems after this. Figure just listened. Seek was just crying along with everybody else. "I-I don't like seeing us sad..." Seek whimpered. I patted him. Screech was about to cry. He grabbed his Ipad and turned on sad music. Everybody else just grabbed a flower and placed it in the middle of the room. Guiding Light tried to comfort Glitch. Even though no matter Seek was mad with Glitch, he went to help comfort everybody. Figure bought Jack and Hide with everybody else, everyone cuddling, with cold hearts. (WAAAAAAA)

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