Chapter 16: Don't Wanna Lose You ♥

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Figure POV:

Seek...You're not here anymore. I can't hear your heartbeats beating. "Seek?" I asked. I hoped he would answer. But he didn't all that came out was nothing. I carried him in my arms. I sat down. "SEEK!" I shouted loudly. I sniffled. I can't cry, I just can't! I'm a strong entity. I'm not weak and pathetic! And all the entities were around us. "Seek..." I cried. I couldn't help it. I let out a tear. Soon, I was sobbing. "God, Figure sure is sobbing hard." Jack said. "Because he loved Seek, and that was the only entity he loved." Hide explained. I kept sobbing and sobbing. "I-I don't wa-wanna lose y-y-you!" I said. I knew he wouldn't hear me. Glitch just left. Ambush and Rush came to comfort me. "Figure. It's okay. Life comes and goes." Ambush said. "B-but- but why does it h-ha-have to b-b-be SEEK?!" I cried. I continued sobbing. "Figure. Listen to me. We can't control life. Like when we first became entities. We thought we were doomed. But we weren't. We made friends along the way. And that was life." Rush said. "B-but-but I loved S-Seek so m-m-much!" I said. I was sobbing a lot. Soon, there was silence. Nobody speaking. Only the sounds of me sobbing. "Dad..." Screech sobbed. Screech was also sobbing. Seek was kind of like his dad, and losing him made Screech feel bad. I heard the rain bang against the windows.  Ambush was right. Life comes an goes. I still sobbed. "Seek..." I muttered.  "Thank you so much." I knew they could hear me. I went to my room. I grabbed a lighter I found and turned it on. The flames touched my wrist. That felt good. Only if I hadn't stopped that fight earlier, none of this would've happened. My wrist stung. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. I deserve this. The lighter ran out of fuel. I felt my wrist. It was burned. It also hurt. I put the lighter away and opened the window. The sound of the rain. It was louder with the window opened. I don't want to lose you, Seek. I love you.

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